Page 26 of Virago

“I’m still waiting for an answer to my question. Is there a place you want to fuck me?”

Her smile deepened. Unwinding her arms, she set her hands on his forearms. Her palms were soft, but firm.

“I have a question for you instead, and it’s kind of a test.”

Too far away from her, he clasped her hips and drew her against him. “A test? What kind of test?”

Her hands slid up his arms, over his shoulders, and framed his neck. Her fingers tangled in his hair. “Your answer will tell me what you’re looking for here.”

“Hey, I need to remind you that you started all this. So maybe you should be answering my question.”

“My answer is in my question.”

“That sounds like some PhD galaxy-brain logic, but okay. Hit me.”

“Do you want to fuck me at my place, where my father lives? Or do you want to go somewhere where we won’t see anybody who cares about this? I’m down either way.”

Zaxx laughed. He couldn’t help it. This girl was slippery, twisting things around any time there was a chance she wouldn’t be in control. Her mind was constantly in motion, always trying to see from every angle. He admired that a lot.

He knew what she was doing with her ‘test’: If he said he wanted to go to his place (where Doof was waiting, but Trudy would see to him if Zaxx didn’t come home), it meant tonight was a one-time deal. She was down for that, if it was all he wanted. But if he said he’d go home with her, and risk a confrontation with her father, it meant he was willing to take that risk for her, and that meant the potential for more than one night. She was down for that as well.

So was he. Maybe it was impulsiveness, but he didn’t think so. For one thing, he hadn’t had enough to drink for his internal leash to slip. More importantly, something had clicked between them tonight, clicked and caught. Who could say what the future held, but he wanted the possibilities wide open.

Obviously, Zaxx knew about the house Isaac and Bo had built for Gia—the whole club had been involved in that project to some degree or other. Zaxx had put in a shift on the build, and he’d delivered materials twice. If she’d still been sleeping in the same house as her folks, his answer would be different, but that was a matter of respect, not intimidation. Besides, he doubted she’d have presented the choice to him if only a wall separated her bed from her parents’.

A whole house separated them. Isaac and Lilli had given Gia her privacy. Because she was a grown woman who made her own choices.

Isaac might lose his shit anyway. He might choose violence. But if he did, he’d find Zaxx a formidable opponent.

A breeze had blown some of her hair forward, into her face. He brushed it back, letting his fingers stay to explore the soft flesh of her cheek. God, she was beautiful.

“I told you. Your dad doesn’t scare me off. Let’s go to your place.”

Smiling, she grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt and pulled him to her for a kiss.

Holy shit, this woman was hot.


On his LiveWire, Zaxx followed Gia’s Sportster through the quiet of Signal Bend after dark. There was nightlife in town—besides No Place there was Valhalla Vin, an upscale-ish wine bar, and the Chop House, a nice steak restaurant that seated until eleven, and there were always older teens and younger twenties who made their own fun in the dark—but the real business and busyness of Signal Bend was done in the daylight. When the Main Street shops closed at six, the whole town settled.

Zaxx loved riding at night for that reason: the deep peace of a world at rest. He’d been to cities famed for never sleeping—Vegas and Los Angeles—and while visiting them was cool, he’d known at once he’d hate to live somewhere like that, where the bright never dimmed and your eyes and ears, your mind and soul and heart, could never rest. In the country, in the quiet, a man could rest.

They turned off the main drag and headed deeper into the quiet. A short run of houses bathed in the alien gold of sodium arc lamps, most of them already dark inside, a few with only one or two windows still glowing with a warmer incandescence. Then, as they climbed a hill and curved around a sweeping bend, the forest took over and real dark closed in around the lights of their bikes.

As they cleared the bend, Zaxx caught up and rode alongside Gia. She rode with instinctive grace, like the bike was part of her body. A few Horde women rode—Lilli’s mother among them—but Zaxx didn’t personally know any other women who did. A lot of guys preferred women only to ride ‘bitch,’ as passengers along for their ride, but Zaxx thought that was a shame and a missed opportunity. Nothing hotter than a woman in tight pants and boots with a fiery steel beast between her legs. And Gia? With that ass like a heart on a plate and those ten-mile legs?

She looked over at him and smiled, then goosed her throttle and pulled ahead again. Laughing, he fell back in behind her.

Around another bend, a valley broke open, and the Lunden property rolled out ahead. Two sodium arc lamps cast their otherworldly light over the big white farmhouse and all the buildings scattered around it—barn and stable, surrounded by pastureland, huge steel garage, the woodshop where Bo and Isaac did their work, a few smaller sheds. The farmhouse and the trees around it obscured Gia’s new place, but he knew in the daylight he’d be able to see an edge of the bright green roof.

The main house was dark; her family were apparently not night owls.

Gia pulled up to the garage, cutting her engine as she reached the back end of Bo’s Lightning—the same model as Zaxx’s own truck. She straddle-walked her bike up to the space between the front end of the parked vehicles and the closed doors of the garage.

Zaxx pulled his bike to a stop alongside Bo’s truck and turned it off.

She took her helmet off and shook her head, letting her lush hair fall into place down her back. Zaxx sat on his bike and watched, awestruck at her great beauty and his good fortune, as she set the helmet on her bike and came to him.