Page 45 of The Initiation

“I left both the Porche’s at home,” I tell him. “It’s a Maserati.”

“And you’re telling me a hundred-and-twenty-thousand-dollar car doesn’t come with an option to sync your phone?”

“It does. But you’re not important enough to be in my phonebook.” I give him a smug smile as a few people start sniggering.

Dr. Watson narrows his eyes. I’m waiting for him to throw me out, but instead, he turns to the class. “And here Mr. Remington has provided us with a perfect example of how, in today’s world, communication is not just key, but an expectation. Had this been a business arrangement, a contract might not have been breached here, but a customer would rightly assume that Mr. Remington has no interest or respect for them, and they would therefore take their business elsewhere.”

Smug fucker wouldn’t be able to afford my work.

Beside me, Royal types something in his messenger, and then my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and read his message.

Royal: Family emergency?

Gemini: Virgo drama.

Syn: She OK?

Gemini: Eric decided to cut off her cards. The guy she was with bought some coke, bailed, left her to pay.

Syn: I assume you being here means he’s dealt with?

Gemini: Yup.

“Is this family emergency ongoing, Mr. Remington?”

I look up from my phone. “Just taking notes. Don’t want to lose any hypothetical business in the future.”



Someone had better be losing millions by the minute.

The first game of the season is tomorrow night, and instead of being at the gym for our pre-game massage, the Elite exec decided to call an emergency meeting.

Syn is staring at the door to the boardroom like he’s going to pull out a gun and take headshots at anyone who walks through it. I’d have thought by now, our exec would know better than to pull this shit and undermine Syn.

They’re not doing themselves any favors by not turning up early, either.

“Do you have any idea what this is about?” I ask, like either Syn or Gemini got a different message then me.

Gemini doesn’t look up from his phone. He’s been watching the stocks of a company I can only assume has something to do with the guy Virgo had been with, even though the market closed hours ago. “Syn’s being too soft on Tori.”

The murderous look Syn was giving the door is now directed at Gemini, even though he’s oblivious. “What?”

Gemini takes that long to respond, there’s a knock at the door and Tori walks in.

When I found out about the meeting, I told her to make sure she was wearing the maid uniform and gave her a quick summary of what she would need to do. Even though I hide it, I’m pleased to see her step back to let the other members of the exec enter. She waits until everyone is seated before moving towards the table. I look up and nod at her.

“May I serve anyone refreshments?” she asks.

“Red wi—”

Before the Social Chair, Alice Lumley can finish her sentence, Syn snaps his attention to Tori. “No one will be staying long enough. You can wait outside.”

Tori nods and then leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

“Whoever decided they were more important than the president can lead the meeting.” Syn’s voice is full of venom.