Page 97 of The Initiation

“Initiates are supposed to know their place,” Preston says, but he’s looking at me.

I lock eyes with Tori before nodding towards the bar. There’s a moment’s pause before she gives du Pont a smile and disappears without another word.

Preston turns his attention to Royal. “Maybe you should help her. She doesn’t strike me as someone who knows the difference between champagne and bottled piss.”

Royal flashes me an apologetic look before following after Tori.

“I believe you were given very specific instructions.”

I take a sip of the whiskey Gemini gave me before I turn to face Preston. “I’m flattered you came all this way to check up on me,” I say, dryly.

“I’m actually offended,” Preston tells me. “Because if I wanted to just check up on you, I could have read my messages. I’m not sure what’s been going through your head recently, if you think that having her here hasn’t caused waves of discord between current members. There’s more than one person, and not just juniors and sophomores, who still see me as their president.”

No one has been here long enough to still see him as their president.

“I’m here because I’m concerned about you.”

“You are concerned about me?”

Preston nods. “JP was my best friend, and I promised him I’d look out for you. I’m here because of him, because if he knew you’d let his killer’s sister into this university, he’d be upset. But if he knew you were ignoring not only your father’s instructions—but those of the XXXVII too—he’d be devastated.”

At the sound of my brother’s name, my grip on the glass tightens. The bandage has only just come off, so I force myself to relax and set the glass down behind me.

Preston had been friends with JP for as long as I’ve been friends with Royal and Gemini. He’s no stranger in my house, and until JP was killed, we used to get along. Until he changed.

I don’t need to pay a shrink to tell me he’s reminded of my brother every time he looks at me. Ever since I found out my father and the XXXVII expect me to take JP’s place on the future presidential campaign, Preston has avoided me—as much as he could, considering we are both members of the Elite.

“I know what you’re thinking, and I don’t blame you, but having her here is dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” I arch an eyebrow. “What do you think she’s going to do?”

If she wanted me dead, she’s had ample opportunity to do so, but even if she did, the girl doesn’t have it in her.

“Synclair, your father may have told you to make sure she’s gone, but the order came from the XXXVII. It doesn’t matter what we think she’s going to do, when you’re given an order, you follow it out.” As Tori and Royal appear from the crowd, Preston leans closer to me—not that anyone would be able to hear him over the music. “JP would be so disappointed in you.”

Preston might as well have stuck his hand straight into my chest and squeezed at my heart. Rarely am I at a loss for words, but all I can do is stare at him as he walks up to Tori, takes the champagne flute from her, and then disappears onto the dancefloor.

With concern lining his features, Royal hurries over. “You okay? What did he say to you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I’m done.”

“Done? What do you mean, done?”

“With this bullshit party. I’m leaving.”

Royal frowns. “You sure? Maybe beating the shit out of someone will help?”

Ten minutes ago, maybe. Right now, I want to be alone.

Ignoring Royal, I walk over to Tori, grabbing her wrist. Without pausing, I make my way to the door, dragging her behind me as I weave through the dancing bodies. There are still crowds of people hanging around the doorway, but it’s starting to snow, so most are huddled close to the door.

“Syn, where are we going?” Tori asks, trying to pull her wrist free of my grip.

I don’t let go until we’re at the golfcart. “Drive.”

