Page 73 of The Initiation

Aside from the weird looks and sly smirks Gemini keeps giving me...

I know time is running out, but if I can get the two of them to lower their defenses, and maybe get them drunk tonight. Maybe I will get them to slip up and reveal their passwords. And if that fails, then when they pass out, I can hold their phones up in front of their faces and unlock them that way.

Once I’m showered and dressed, I go downstairs and grab the cart with yesterday's plates on. The wheels rolling over the stone path make all the China on the cart rattle noisily. Even if there were still students in the dorms, I wouldn't care, but the sound echoes back to me from all angles.

The chef who’s come in just to cook our three meals is already waiting for me when I arrive. Keen to let him get back to his family as quickly as possible, I swap my cart for the one he’s prepared and then head back to Denali House.

Previously, when I searched the house, I found tablecloths, napkins, and fancy place settings. None of them were particularly Thanksgiving themed—or holiday themed—but I still make the effort of setting the dining table to make it look special.

Royal spends his mornings in the gym, and he’s due back soon. With just Gemini to get out of bed, I put the dishes into the stove, following the instructions the chef left me to reheat them.

Groaning, I leave the kitchen and head upstairs to Gemini’s room. I know it’s unlikely for him to be awake at this time, and really, I should have waited for us to have dinner later. However, the sooner he’s up, the sooner I can get him and Royal drunk off their asses.

I hammer against his bedroom door, and without waiting for a response, I walk in.

Gemini is a creature of habit. Or, he should be.

Instead of finding him asleep in bed, he’s sitting at his desk.


It takes me a moment to realize that the reason he doesn’t respond is because he has his gaming headset on. As I move closer, and my gaze drifts to his monitor screen, I see what he’s watching.

On the screen, with a near-perfect resolution, is the recording from the night of my initiation ceremony. At that moment, as I’m sat on Royal, with his cock deep in my pussy, Gemini is behind me, slowly pushing his cock into my ass.

That night they gave me Tequila and a drug of some kind, and it’s clear from my eyes that I’m not sober, but even though I can see the pain as Gemini’s cock gets deeper in my ass, I can also see my pleasure.

In front of me, the real Gemini moans.

Although his body mostly blocks my view, it’s obvious he’s not only naked, but he’s also jerking off.

I don’t know if the appropriate response in this situation is for me to be angry—I knew the video was recorded, but I never expected to just walk into Gemini’s room and find him enjoying himself as he watches. Because the little anger I’m feeling, seems to be dampened by something else.

Gemini glances over his shoulder, locking eyes with me. There isn’t a hint of guilt or remorse in his gaze. And he doesn’t even stop jerking off.

After a moment of me just standing there, watching, he pushes his headset off one ear. “What would make this better is replacing my hand with your mouth.”

I stare at him.

Gemini turns the chair enough for me to finally see his hand moving up and down over his erection. “Get on your knees, Tori.”

Syn’s contract said I had to obey their instructions, regardless of what they were. But the contract isn’t the reason I move over.

Stopping in front of him, I lower myself to my knees, place a hand on either thigh and then pull him to me. Gemini let’s go, and I replace his hands with my mouth, just like he wants.

As I take his full length, Gemini groans. Then the sound is amplified, my own moans joining his as he switches the sound from his headphones to his speakers.

I want to watch too, but before I can, Gemini’s hand is on the back of my head, making sure I don’t stop.

“Not yet.”

There’s so much of Gemini’s length in my mouth, that I can feel it against the back of my throat. I’ve got no objection either continuing, or to taking him so deep, but holding me in place leaves me little option than to just kneel here. It takes a moment for Gemini to realize this before he loosens his grip, though his fingers continue playing with the hair on the back of my head.

The thing with a blowjob is that the one giving it is the one with the actual power. I could have this over and done within minutes, but instead, I start to slow my pace, using my hand to stroke his length as I focus on working my tongue around the head.

The sound from the video is making me hot, and there’s an ache in my pussy that I’m close to taking into my own hands, but the moans I hear from Gemini within the room are more distracting. When I look up, his dark brown eyes are locked on me and not his screens.

“Syn might not be here, but that contract says you still have to do everything you’re told.”