Page 7 of The Initiation

The NDA protects us, not her.

“That means you will do what we say, when we say, how we say. You will wear what we choose, eat what we tell you to—”

Gemini turns his head to look at me, but I ignore him. I understand his issue with this, and it’s the only thing I’m willing to compromise on—which he already knows—but she doesn’t.

I don’t miss how her shoulders slump.

“—Sleep where we say and follow every instruction we give you. And the only words out of your mouth will be, yes, sir. Do you understand?”

She meets my glare head on, but she surprises me with her response. “Yes, sir.”

“Because dogs that don’t behave are not allowed off their leash, and they sleep outside.”

She doesn’t say anything to that.

“Which is why we’re giving you one last chance to walk away, Tori,” Royal tells her. “Your bags are already packed, and there’s a car waiting to take you back home. Leave and that’s the end of it.”

Royal’s tone is softer than I’d like, as if he almost wants her to leave.

I don’t.

Not anymore.

She shakes her head. “I’m not going anywhere unless you break your agreement.” She looks at me. “Sir.”

“My agreement?” I repeat, amused.

Last night she handed back the signed NDA and contract, only, on the contract, she’d added in a single stipulation:

No harm, whether intentional or through vague implications, will come to Penny Bergmann, including, but not limited to, physical, emotional, or psychological behavior.

“I’m already wasting enough of my precious time and effort on your futile attempt of an initiation. I couldn’t give a single fuck about Penny Bergmann, so long as you remember you’ve signed that NDA.”

Penny Bergmann had only ever been on my radar because of her. Now that I had a literal collar around Tori’s neck, she belonged to me.

“I’m surprised you didn’t think to try to add in any restrictions or a safe word.”

She frowns. “A safe word?”

“A word that’s used in sex by the submissive party to show a line has been crossed and for all activities to stop.”

“I know what a safe word is,” she says, looking at me like I’ve just told her the sky is blue.

“Color me surprised,” I say with fake shock. I wonder how many of those diary entries needed using a safe word.

She narrows her eyes. “You expect me to believe you’d have been willing to have some exceptions added to that contract?”

“I already did, did I not?”

She’s right, of course. But a thrill ripples through me at the sight of her dismay.

“Would you like a safe word to use? How about pineapple?” I tilt my head and smile.

“No,” Gemini says. “A safe word is supposed to be something that’s unlikely to be used in that context to avoid confusion…”

Her mouth drops open, and I’m unable to stop the bark of laughter from escaping me.

“Nothing like waking up to some fresh fruit,” I say. What she doesn’t realize is Gemini is more unpredictable than she is, but now that he has an idea firmly printed in his brain, he’s probably not going to stop until he sees it come to fruition.