Page 64 of The Initiation

“Then are we actually any closer than we were?”



Right now, aside from myself, the only person I trust is Penny. And even then, I’ve not mentioned the tattoos to her.

So why the hell am I telling Dr. Payne Wright?

The guy who has made it clear he likes me almost as much as Syn does.

Did I manage to give parts of my brain frostbite last night?

“It’s nearly Thanksgiving,” I tell him. “I have until Christmas before my initiation is over, and I know I won’t make it. I know I won’t be coming back to this college in the new year. Whether you like it or not, I’ve only got a few more weeks, and I’m going to do my best to see this through to the end.”

Payne lets out a long sigh as he shakes his head. “It’s not worth it, Tori.”

“Maybe not to you, but I’m going back.”

Leaning back, Payne stretches his arm out over the back of the sofa as he stares at me. “You should at least head home for Thanksgiving. Have a break and spend it with your family.”

I’m not sure what image of a family Thanksgiving he’s got in his head, but I doubt it looks like mine. Since Cole went to prison, Mom has spent almost every single day drunk, and my dad… who knows where he is.

“The only person I want to see is Cole, and I’ll be visiting him on Thanksgiving. But otherwise, I’m staying in Denali House. Hopefully, Syn, Royal, and Gemini will go home to their families, and I’ll have some time to search their rooms. There might be some files on their computers.”

Payne arches an eyebrow. “You know how to hack a computer?”

“I’ll try to be there while they’re using their computers and watch them type their password.” Maybe if I get Royal alone, I might be able to convince him to let me borrow his laptop if I tell him mine isn’t working.

“Are you…?” Payne rubs his hand over his face. “When they’re gone, call me.”

“Do you know how to hack a computer?”

“More than you do.” With a sigh, Payne shifts his weight and leans towards me. “You’re really going to go back, aren’t you.”

It wasn’t a question, but I nod.

Shaking his head, he stands. With no explanation, he leaves the room and heads upstairs. I hear his footsteps above me, the floorboards creaking, then he comes back down and stands in front of me, holding his hand out. “Here.”

I hold my hand up, and he deposits something in it.

A key.

“This is the spare key to my office. If you’re in trouble, and you need my help, call me. If you need somewhere safe to hide, go straight to my office, lock the door behind you, and wedge a chair under the handle. There’s a landline in there…” He tilts his head. “You know how to use one of those, right?”

I’d never actually used one, but I had seen them on old TV shows before. “It’s just like a cellphone, but on a wire.”

“Just like a…” Payne shudders. “Dial 9 before you dial my number. I’ll make sure it’s written down in the office in case you don’t have your cell with you.”

“Thank you.” I slip the key into my pocket.

It’s just after lunch when Payne drops me off on campus. Only the official banners hanging from flag posts and lights give any indication that the place was full of basketball fans yesterday.

Since most people stayed for the game and the Elite party, there are more people walking around today than there usually are over the weekend. I pass several members of the Elite, so I’m not surprised to find Syn, Royal, and Gemini waiting for me when I walk in through the back door.

“Where the hell have you been?”

Gone is the basketball shirt and jeans. Syn’s back in his usual attire, wearing a gray shirt with the top few buttons undone, and charcoal pants. If I hadn’t seen him in jeans yesterday, I wouldn’t have believed he owned a pair.