Page 47 of The Initiation

“Fuck you, Synclair,” Alice spits.

Eddie reaches for Alice’s hand before she can stand, but he keeps his gaze fixed on Syn. “We’re not here to discuss anyone’s sexual prowess.”

“Really?” The question comes from Gemini, who’s smiling in amusement, even though his attention is back on his phone. “Sounds like you’re pissed because you’re not fucking our initiate. And if you’re pissed about that, surely that means Alice’s performance isn’t up to scratch.”

“Fuck you, Gemini.”

Gemini looks up from his phone and arches an eyebrow. “I’m with Syn. You’re not worth a second round.”

Even though Eddie is still holding onto her hand, Alice stands, using her free hand to point between Syn, Gemini, and me.

Not sure what I have to do with anything—I’ve never fucked her.

“You three are a joke. I have no idea why my father wanted me to join so much, because this place is nothing more than a brothel. You’re nothing but pimps except you’re wearing Prada instead of leopard print.”

Syn sits back down, tutting. “Oh, Lumley… If you wanted to leave the Elite so badly, we would have accepted a resignation letter.”

“It’s not me who’s leaving, it’s you.”

“Then let’s put it to the vote.” Syn gestures to the room. “All those who wish for me to stand down, raise your hand.”

Alice’s hand shoots into the air. Then, after she elbows Eddie, he raises his hand.

They’re the only hands in the room.

With a snarl, Alice rounds on the other members of the exec. “This is not what we agreed before we came in here. Rylan? Dina? Phillipe?”

I sigh. “Alice, Eddie, I suggest you leave, now. And I suggest you do so quietly, because if I have to call campus security, they will remove you from the university entirely.”

Eddie momentarily closes his eyes. I didn’t think it was possible for him to go paler, but he now looks gray. Whatever plan they had, it’s failed spectacularly, and he’s well aware that he and Alice will now be facing the consequences.

Just as Alice starts to yell insults, Eddie stands. He takes Alice’s hand and drags her from the room, ignoring her attempts to pull free. He opens the door, and for a moment, I see Tori’s stunned face before she backs out of the way. Even though I hear Alice direct her shouts at Tori, Eddie manages to keep her away.

Tori appears back in the open doorway, her wide-eyed gaze switching between Eddie and Alice, and into the room. She catches my eye, and I just shake my head.

Although I can still see the alarm on her face, Tori steps forward to reach the door handle, and then she pulls the door closed, and the room falls silent.

“I assume that if the rest of you are still here, you knew nothing about this, and that this matter won’t come up again?” Syn asks, calmly.

I’m almost certain all of the remaining members had met with Eddie and Alice before coming in here, but they all keep silent, their eyes locked on the table in front of them.

Syn looks over at Gemini. “I want the pair of them removed from the campus within the hour. I don’t care if they’re left standing outside the gates like a pair of homeless roaches. It will give them the opportunity to get used to that feeling.”

“What…?” Rylan clears his throat before turning to Syn. “What are you going to do?”

“Should anyone be considering a coup, I’m providing an example of what will happen.” Syn’s speaking to him like Rylan’s seven years old. “Those two are no longer students at James Keyingham University, nor are they—or their families—members of the Elite.”

I glance at Gemini’s phone screen. He’s no longer looking at stocks, but his fingers are flying over the screen as he amends the enrollment status of Alice Margret Lumley. Once upon a time, the Elite President would have gone directly to the dean for that to happen, but since Gemini hacked the university’s servers his freshman year, no one has bothered with that formality.

It’s not like anyone in administration will question it.

Removing Alice, Eddie, and their families from the Elite will take a phone call. While Syn—or rather, his father—is high-ranking within the wider society, both Eddie and Alice’s families are reasonably high enough that the woven empire takes a little more power to remove them.

But, the Lumleys and Finchlins will be nothing more than a headline on a middle page of a newspaper tomorrow morning.

“As for the initiate,” Syn continues. “I find it insulting that anyone could think that I am being lenient on the one who shares blood with the lowlife who murdered my brother. And if I find out that anyone other than Lumley and Finchlin even whispers that they believe this is the case, they can join those two. Do you all understand?”

The members of the exec hurriedly nod their heads.