Page 43 of The Initiation

I don’t know if it’s because it sounds so crazy, or because it’s not just the best theory I’ve heard so far… but it’s starting to make sense.

And while I know Penny is my friend and only trying to help, the possibility that it’s true is making me feel even worse.



If there’s even a hint of truth to it, how on earth am I going to find Lucy Barnes?



The first dog collar was kinda hot.

A little dehumanizing, though not so much as the dog bed in the basement, but still kinda hot.

The second collar…

That has me questioning Syn’s motives, because that right there, is a fucking turn-on.

The only reason I haven’t done anything is because I’m waiting to see what Syn’s next move is.

Well, I haven’t done anything unless you count having a custom-made fox tail butt plug made with matching ears. Which, if she’d spent longer than five minutes in my room, she probably would have seen the three boxes in the corner with the butt plug, ears, and a few other special toys for her.

I mean, I get why he’s gone for a dog, but Tori’s a little too foxy for that, and with that blue hair, that’s kitsune territory. I’d be down for a little roleplay. Have her wear that, a little apron, and have her service my room before she services me… After that, I’ll make sure it’s what she has to wear when she cleans the house.

The interest in my game is gone, and I quit, not caring if I’m leaving my team hanging. Instead, I pull up the video.

Tori said she wanted in to prove her brother is innocent, but fuck knows what she expects to find in this house. Records are digital and encrypted. And by records, it’s mainly members and their personal details, along with a few incriminating files from their initiation.

Like hers.

Mine may have gone missing when I hacked into the system my sophomore year, replacing it with an unaired episode of a British kid’s television show I’d found on the internet once.

The mask hid my identity on Tori’s video, but the only reason I accessed it was to copy it to my Cloud for personal use. Tonight, instead of hitting play to watch it once again, I change my mind.

It’s nearly three in the morning, and I know from experience that I’m the only one up. I usually am. Haven’t gone to sleep before three since I was about thirteen. Too many thoughts.

I pull my headset off, lock my computer, and then leave the room. All the hallways have a soft nightlight that comes on automatically at sunset, unless the main light is physically switched on. This nightlight is the only thing on in the basement hall, and there’s no light shining out from Tori’s room.

Which means she’s asleep.

Confidently, I move to the doorway and peer in. The dog bed was probably the largest on the market. I mean, it’s still not big enough for Tori, but Syn could have bought something for one of those ratdog things, but he didn’t.

Dog collars and beds aside, he’s done nothing. Forget the fact he hates this girl, she’s an initiate. By this time, we’d had the other initiates with their wrists handcuffed to their ankles and eggs in their mouth as we paddled their naked asses, making anyone who broke the egg do shots.

And if I have noticed that, I know damn well every other member of the Elite has too.

Tori sleeps on her back. She starts curled up on her side, but when she’s sound asleep, she’s on her back. Like she is now.

I’ve been watching her the past few nights, curious how heavy a sleeper she is.

Heavy enough for me to pull back her covers without waking.

I move over to her, crouching down.

She doesn’t even stir as I pull her blanket back.