Page 34 of The Initiation

It’s only been one day, and the only way I can stop the blood going to my fucking dick every time I think about her, is by making sure I’m using it in every other muscle.

After our first training session, I stay behind with most of the guys to use their gym. There’s nothing here that the one in the house doesn’t have, except for Tori. By the time I leave, I’ve been there by myself for at least an hour.

It’s about ten and the house is quiet. After a quick shower, I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, then go to grab a protein shake from my fridge.

Only the fridge is empty.

With Syn moving Tori into the house, Seamus hasn’t been in and restocked. Irritated, I head downstairs to the kitchen, but the fridge doesn’t have any either.

I swear to god, if none of those fucking initiates remembered to at least order some before they finished their duties, I’m going to wake them all up and have them all get their asses in front of me with bottles before the sun comes up. And the last one to arrive will have that bottle rammed up their ass.

Gritting my teeth, I head down to the basement. Seamus has a storeroom with extra supplies, and I’m hoping there’s a pack down here.

Strangely, the lights don’t come on automatically as I go down. They’re already on. I check the gym in case Syn has decided to have a late-night workout—there’s no way in hell Gem will be down here—but it’s empty. And then I see the door to the utility room is ajar.

As I get closer, I can hear the washer running. Just as I get to the door, it clicks that it’s obviously going to be Tori, but by then, it’s too late, and I’ve seen her.

She has her back to the door. Her head is bowed slightly as she clutches onto the washer. Blue hair falls against… black silk.

Just like that, all the energy I put into training is proven pointless as my dick springs into life.

Syn chose all of Tori’s clothes. And right now, I honestly cannot make any sense as to why the hell he chose this fucking thing. The silk nightdress has nothing more than a ribbon for straps, showing off her shoulders and arms. It falls against her skin, and with her slightly bent forward, barely covers her ass or hides the outline of her panties.

She hasn’t seen me, and I’m about to back out before she does, but my feet don’t seem to want to move. The longer I stand here, I realize she’s not moved either. I’m not even sure if she’s aware that I’m here.

Has Syn finally gotten his wish and broken her?

Why do you care?

I’ve already had this conversation with myself: let Syn do what he needs to and keep away while he does it…


What the fuck part of that is staying away? Dickhead.

Tori jumps, and her back tenses. But when she turns around, she’s standing tall with a weird smile on her face. Like one of those robots.

“How can I be of service, sir?”

“Sir?” I arch an eyebrow before I shake my head. “Just Royal…”

My eyes drop from her face to the new jewelry around her neck. I’ve never seen anything like it before. There’s a thick silver chain around her neck with herringbone links—like a man’s necklace—but this one is about as thick as my thumb. Instead of being closed in the normal manner, there is a hoop on each end.

Threaded through the middle, hanging a couple of inches lower, is another chain. This one looks more like the kind of chain you’d use on a bike or gate, although the links are much smaller. There’s a padlock locking one end of that chain to maybe the midway point of itself, leaving the other end dangling towards her cleavage. At the end is a small silver disk.

There’s something written on it, but I can’t see, so I move closer to her.


What the fuck?

I pick the disk up, the metal’s warm in my hands. As I do, the chain pulls the first two loops closer together. With a little more pressure, the chain will be uncomfortably tight around her neck, but it doesn’t seem long enough that it can be taken off without the lock being removed.

I’d had no idea about the previous collar until Syn had put it around Tori’s neck at her initiation. With her on her knees, staring up at us, wearing nothing but that collar, it had looked hot as fuck. I kinda liked it when Syn said she had to keep it on, until she’d walked into our house still wearing it, and I kept having very vivid memory flashbacks of that night.

This one…

“Property of Synclair Keyingham?” I ask her, dropping the chain.