Page 27 of The Initiation

Penny sticks by my side as I pick up my pace. She stops only as the main path turns into the private one up to the front door.

And it’s only when I’m on the porch and in front of the door that I realize I still don’t have a key. Biting my lip, I push the doorbell.

Almost at once, it’s opened by Synclair. He’s already frowning, but as he sees Penny behind me, his expression darkens further.

“I’ve already told her she’s not allowed inside,” I quickly tell him, hoping he will move back into the house without saying anything to her.

His hazel eyes flick back to stare at me before he finally steps back to let me in. He closes the door and then turns to face me. “If you wish to be late to your classes, that’s on you, but don’t you ever prioritize Penny Bergmann over anything we have assigned you.”

“Yes, sir,” I say, as though our hurried walk across campus is the reason that I’m going to be late and not his decision to have breakfast at the last minute.

Sniffing, he wrinkles his nose. “Eau de Dining Hall is not an acceptable fragrance, either.”

Maybe I’m immune to the smell after working in the kitchens, and if I had come from that job, I’d agree. But I’m almost certain I don’t smell any different than normal.

Instead, I clasp my hands together in front of me and stare at him with the best wide and innocent eyes I can. “Would you like me to have another shower, sir?”

Syn smirks. Walking towards me, he quickly closes the distance between us until he’s towering over me. “Whores are always so willing to rip their clothes off again once you’ve paid them the first time.”

Without flinching, I stare back at him. “You’re the one who put leather around my neck, and you’re the one who decided I needed to be watched at all times when it comes off.”

Syn’s nostrils flare.


He continues to glare at me, then he takes a step back. “Your uniform is in your room. I will expect to be served for lunch at 12:30. The only way this uniform…” he points to my current outfit. “Leaves this house, is if it’s being worn by you. If I find out that you change anywhere other than this house, the only place you’ll get changed is in front of a webcam with a live broadcast.” He folds his arms. “Do you understand?”

For a few seconds, the idea did cross my mind of packing this maid costume into my bag to make my life easier, but I quickly decide running back and forth is the better choice. “Yes, sir.”

I should have told Penny to go straight to class, because she’s going to be late now too. But if I tell her to go now, she’s going to ignore me anyway. I start to hurry to my room, but Syn’s voice rings out around the entrance.

“Have I dismissed you?”

Wincing before I can stop myself, I turn back to face him.

“What am I?” he asks.

The only thing stopping me from answering with the truth is that I have too many options and can’t settle on one.

Compared to only a moment ago, he looks… pleasant. His shoulders are relaxed, the tension seems to have gone, and there’s almost a smile on his face.

There might as well be a giant neon sign hovering above him saying TRAP.

My hand seems to move by its own accord and my fingers brush the metal disk hanging from the collar. “One of my masters?”

“Which makes you…?” his voice is almost charming.

If we were anywhere but here—if we were in a bar—it might even sound flirty.

But he’s the reason Angel Shots exist, and I’d be asking the bartender for one.

“Your pet?”

Syn purses his lips as he drags his gaze up and down my body. “The decision is currently out as to whether you’re a pet, but the one thing you are not is our equal. This was the one and only time that I’ll answer the door for you. Going forward, you will use the back door. The code is 876463. You may leave the house whenever you wish, but the system will not accept entry past 11 p.m.”

876463, 876463, 876463.

I quickly recite the number in my head, barely paying attention to anything else. I doubt Syn will repeat the code, and I’m not willing to find out.