Page 113 of The Initiation

I’m just not sure what…

Almost on cue, at the ten-minute mark, the generational wealth members start to appear, almost in one continuous line, into the room. With them is Gemini, who walks over to me.

“Anything?” I ask.

Gemini frowns. “The files were deleted just before midnight last night. And whoever did it was able to delete their access log.”

“We were hacked?”

Before Gemini can respond, Syn clears his throat. The effect is like he’s told everyone to be quiet as the room falls into silence. One of the freshmen gets up, moving to the doors to close them, then quickly returns to her seat.

“At ten forty-five this morning, the video of Victoria Reynalds’ initiation ceremony was released. I want to know who did it,” Syn says without wasting any time on pleasantries.

Like Syn and Gemini, I scan the room, looking for anyone’s reaction that seems out of place. There’s a mixture of surprise and confusion as people quickly figure out that Syn wasn’t the one behind the release, but there’s no one who looks smug or even scared.

“Why? You going to give them a reward?” Rylan Parrish mutters, just loud enough to be heard over the hushed whispers that started up the moment Syn asked the question.

“Actually, yes,” Syn says, giving Rylan a smile.

Syn has this ability to turn a smile into a weapon, but this one is what I call the politician’s smile: friendly but fake. I’ve seen his genuine smiles, and this isn’t one of them. But it’s also one that makes him seem sincere and charming.

Instead of shrinking back into his seat, Rylan, like almost everyone else, sits up, looking at both Syn and each other with interest. As they do, I realize that there are a few people missing from the room.

“Although these videos are filmed with your consent, it is never the intention of the Elite to release any of them,” Syn says. “They exist so that we can protect each other as we thrive, but after that initial performance, they are forgotten about. As I hope you all figured out, Victoria Reynalds was never going to join the Elite. In fact, I was preparing to tell you—and her—this decision in a special closing ceremony next week—”

The door to the room opens, and the two missing people, Declan Salaway and Katherine Clemments, walk in. Syn doesn’t say a word, just glares at them.

“I’m so sorry,” Katherine mumbles as she sits in the first available seat. “I was too drunk to put my phone on charge last night.”

“Fell in the snow,” Declan mutters, unable to make eye contact as he hurries across the room to the only available seat. To be fair, he looks like he rolled to the bottom of the hill, because his clothes are rumpled, and there’s a scratch on his face.

Syn sucks his teeth and shifts his weight. In the blink of an eye, his politician smile is back on his face. “As I was saying, whoever released the video, did me a favor, and I would like to reward them, so whoever it was, please stand up and take a bow.”

No one stands. As more time passes, the whispers are getting louder as people look around the room.

“I’m not sure why this person is being so shy, and I do hope they will reach out to me after, but I would like to thank them and acknowledge them with a round of applause.” Syn starts clapping his hands, and although everyone—including myself—is a little thrown by this, we all join in the applause.

Gemini leans over to me. “Why’s he doing this?”

“Acting nice or the meeting?” I ask.

“Syn acting nice is scary as fuck, and he would get a better response if he threatened everyone instead, but I mean, the meeting.”

I stop scanning the crowds and look at Gemini with a frown. “Because someone released that video without his permission.”

Without dismissing anyone, Syn comes to join us. “You’ve found them?”

“No, and I’m not sure you can,” Gemini tells him before I can reply. “The only people with access to the Elite files are members of the executive board, but the folders with these videos are password protected, and the only ones with the password are us.”

“And yet, the only ones aware that those videos even exist in the first place, and that she is an initiate, are in this room. And if not, we were hacked.” Syn gives Gemini a smile. Not his genuine one or his politician one. It’s his cold, dangerous smile.

“Whoever did it deleted their log. I didn’t have time to look into it more, because I had to be here.”

“Which narrows our field further, because who in this room do you think has the skills to hack your security?”

“No one,” Gemini says loud enough to draw some attention.

“And yet…” Syn walks back to the front of the room, just before Gemini can punch him. “Okay, this is the last chance I’m going to give for someone to stand up and take their much-deserved credit.”