Page 107 of The Initiation

Figuring she ended up with Gemini, I walk straight in, but it only seems to be Gemini in bed. “Wake up,” I snap as I pull back his covers.

For Syn’s party, we wore suits. I changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt before going to bed, but Gemini’s still wearing his dress pants, shirt, and waistcoat. When I pull off the covers, he curls up into a ball and hides his face behind a pillow. “Sunday. Fuck off.”

I grab the pillow and hurl it across the room. “You think I’m going to just let you lie there when you didn’t tell me you were doing this shit?”

Gemini’s eyes open into narrowed slits. “What the fuck are you talking about?”


“Syn said it was okay, and frankly, I didn’t think I needed to check in with you.”

“You think this isn’t something I need to know?” I ask in disbelief.

Yawning, Gemini stretches then rolls onto his back so he can sit up. “Didn’t think you cared enough.” He frowns. “How’d you find out?”

He doesn’t act like it half the time, but Gemini is smart. Crazy-high IQ smart. But fuck me, sometimes he can be so incredibly stupid. “Did you really think that I would somehow not see that video?”

Gemini stares at me, confused. For a moment, he seems to be frozen, then he starts looking around his bed. When he sees his phone, he lunges for it. “Have you been through my pho…?” His lips stay parted, but no sound comes out as he swipes his thumb over the screen. Instead, I’m quickly greeted by the moaning from the video.

“Even if Syn told you not to say anything, I still expect you to tell me, especially when I’m in the fucking video, asshole.”

Slowly, Gemini looks up at me, bewilderment still plastered over his face. “I didn’t do this.” He stops the video, the room going silent. “I’m offended you think I’d put something out there with this shitty soundtrack. Syn did this without telling me, either.”

Raking my hand through my hair, I sigh. “I’m going to fucking murder him. I am so done with his shit.”

“Speak of the devil,” Gemini mutters. Before I can ask what’s happened, Syn’s voice is blasting out of the phone.

“Are you fucking insane?” Syn yells. “I can only put up with so much of your shit, Gemini, but you’ve crossed a fucking line.”

“The actual fuck?” Gemini’s eyes go wide. “Why does everyone think I’d upload something like this?”

“Because you’re the fucking computer genius,” Syn snaps.

“My point exactly,” Gemini shouts back. “Give me some fucking credit. I’d have edited that sound file so you’d think it was Tori fucking three completely different guys. And it would have been so fucking seamless that no one would know that—”

“Enough!” I reach over and snatch Gemini’s phone out of his hand. “Gemini says he didn’t do it, and you’re saying you didn’t do it. I sure as hell didn’t do it.”

“I don’t get why you two are pissed. You’re not the ones being accused of shitty editing,” Gemini mutters. “And it’s not like you didn’t say you weren’t going to release it anyway.”

There’s a pause, and in the silence, I can hear Syn’s background. Is he in a car?

“As you’ve so eloquently pointed out, Gemini, releasing that video would be done so with a heavy round of editing so I can be absolutely certain there would be no repercussions on us. But my future career aside, somebody has released that video without my permission, and considering I’m in the fucking thing, I consider that to be an attack on me. Call a meeting. I want every single member of the Elite in one room in one hour.”

“An hour? Where are you?” I ask.

“That is not what matters right now. Set up that fucking meeting.” The phone beeps as Syn ends the call.

Gemini flops back on the bed and groans. “I’m gonna release the video of whoever did this, simply because they’ve made me get out of bed while it’s still morning.”

He makes it sound like calling a meeting isn’t as simple as going into the app he created specifically for the Elite and entering a few details. “I’ll call the meeting. You get your ass on your computer and figure out who uploaded the video, because Syn’s only going to ask you when everyone denies doing it.”

“What about you?”

I glance at my phone to check the time. “I’m going to find Tori.”

I’ve already created the meeting alert and sent it to all members of the Elite before I’ve pulled on a hoodie and a pair of running shoes—though not the pair I swear I’d left on the shoe rack yesterday. I don’t realize it’s snowing until I step out of the house, but I don’t have time to go and grab a jacket.

The grounds staff have already been out to salt the paths, so the snow is only starting to settle properly on the grass. Most people will have stayed on campus this weekend for Syn’s party, but it’s still early, so there are very few people around as I jog across the campus to the dorms where the non-members of the Elite live in.