Dominic Langster was a senior police officer at Sydney headquarters. We met weekly to discuss any possible threats to the famiglia’s business ventures. Although he worked in our favour, Langster could be difficult. His priority was to ensure his reputation and career were never in jeopardy. If we hadn't needed him as much as we did, he would have been in pieces by now and being feasted on by various marine animals.

The men chuckled again. I gulped down more of the beer and dragged a hand over my head. I wanted to murder my fucking father. What the hell had he been thinking to make such a deal?

“I’m starting to wonder if I should just send her back and consider the debt to my father paid in full.”

“You’re admitting defeat already, Boss?” Danila laughed.

“To be fair, you haven’t seen her. The woman has a temper like a nuclear explosion,” Gaetano spoke seriously.

“What are you going to do with her, Boss? I can’t imagine she’ll stay put at Segreti.” Savastino made a good point.

I was thoughtful for a moment. "One way or another Nikita Ashe will say 'I do' and Father's fucked up wish to see me married to her will be realised. After that, I don't know because Sav is right, she'd be off like a rat up a drainpipe if I leave her at Segreti. The only option I have is to keep her here, but how the fuck will I keep her occupied? She could help with housekeeping, I suppose.”

“You know…” Cosimo began. “Your father and Ashe did not think this arrangement through very well. Even I would have known that a man and a woman forced together would cause monumental problems and I’m not the smartest gun in the safe.”

"I'm wondering if I should have stood up to Father and told him I would not under any circumstances be part of his ridiculous scheme. His threat to dethrone me as head of the famiglia probably wouldn't have eventuated. Too late now."

“What time are your parents arriving?” Gaetano asked.

I glanced at my watch, it was a quarter to midday. It had been the longest morning of my life. “They’ll be here any time now. Mother will be anxious to meet Nikita and will drag Father over here early.”

“It’s going to be interesting to see how Nikita responds when meeting your father,” Gaetano mused.

I groaned. “I hate to think what chaos will erupt. My life was so ordered before Nikita.” I turned my attention to Cosimo and Danila. “You cleaned up the mess?”

“Taken care of, Boss. He’ll never be found,” Danila answered.

I nodded, finished the beer and even though I needed another, pushed up from the stool. “I’m going to get cleaned up and check on Nikita. I’ll see you all at lunch.”

I left the room to a chorus of, "Good luck."

Chapter Four


After Benvolio left the room, curiosity led me to the robe filled with clothes. One side was hanging space, the other was white-painted drawers stacked to the ceiling. I was familiar with the designer labels they were exclusive and high-class.

I pulled out one of the drawers, revealing numerous pairs of silk panties, while another held dozens of lacy bras in various colours. I picked out one of the bras and checked the garment. It was the size I wore and wondered how Benvolio had known. Other drawers held scarves, stockings, and socks. A set of shelves near the floor held shoes in every style and colour. Again, they were all in my size.

The garments were elegant and made from the finest fabrics. There were none of the clothes I favoured when at home—shorts, skimpy tops, or swimsuits. Whoever had done the shopping, and I was now positive it wasn't Benvolio, had no idea of my down-to-earth tastes. Being raised by my father since the age of ten when my mother passed from breast cancer, I was more of a tomboy than a lady.

I headed back into the bedroom and glanced around, the suitcase I'd brought with me was nowhere to be found. I made a mental note to demand my belongings be brought up as a matter of urgency.

I crossed to the huge windows and looked out over the gardens below. They were every bit as beautiful and well looked after as those at home. The swimming pool was surrounded by palm trees giving it a tropical feel and shade was cast over the sparkling water.

Benvolio's home screamed class, elegance, and massive wealth. I wondered who was responsible for the decorating because I would have bet my life it wasn't Benvolio.

I sighed. I missed home and Daddy even though the situation I was in was all his fault. If only Mum was still around, she never would have tolerated what was happening. I'd inherited my feisty nature and temper from Mum. Feeling disillusioned, I flung myself face down on the bed with my head pushed into a cushion and cried my heart out.

I acted tough, always had, and the Lord knew I had an explosive temper, but left alone was when reality hit, and everything came crashing down. What I'd told Benvolio earlier about not caring if he killed me was true because I couldn't bear to be shackled to a man I loathed. The man would make my life a misery, something I'd had more than enough of over time. Maybe if I continued fighting him he would give up and send me home. One thing was certain, the minute he attempted to send me to a strip club was the moment I did his job for him and killed myself.


I was startled when a knock sounded at the door and a key turned in the lock but didn't move.

The door creaked open, and I heard Benvolio sigh loudly. My lips curled up in a smile.

“Nikita,” he started.