“Red? What’s red?”

“Everything. I pulled my eyelid back and everything is blurred and red.”

“Both eyes?”

“I don’t know. I was too scared to try the left eye.”

"Can I take a look and then I'll call Dr Steele? He examined and treated you last night."

"What did he say?"

"He said your nose is broken and the septum will need to be realigned once you're well enough. There is a lot of swelling and bruising on your face and the skin is blistered from hot water, or that's what he thinks it was, but he didn't think there were any other breaks. The incision down your body is superficial and has butterfly clips holding the skin closed. He checked your eyes with a torch but didn't say there was a problem. Would you like me to look at your left eye?"

“Yes…No…I don’t know. I’m scared.”

“I know but we can’t give the doctor information we don’t have.”

I nodded.

“I’m going to lie you back against the pillows and then have a look.”

Ben settled me and I felt the eyelid of my left eye being peeled back. The vision was blurry, but I could see without the red halo. I could see Ben’s gorgeous face.

"I can see you, Honey," I exclaimed.

Ben leaned over and kissed my forehead.

“Now I want to see what the right eye is like in comparison so I can explain it to the doctor.”

He pulled the lid back, and again, the red halo was clear.

Your left eye is a little bloodshot, but this eye is very red. Almost like it's filled with blood. Let me call Ryan...Dr Steele...before we start worrying unnecessarily."

Ben held my hand, and I heard him place the call.

“Ryan. I’ve just been taking a look at Nik’s eyes. The left seems okay, but the right is very red, and she said everything has a red halo.”

Ben listened for a few moments before asking, “The Dr wants to know if your eyes are painful?”

"No. The areas around them are tender but everything else is okay."

Ben relayed the message to the doctor and was silent again before thanking him and disconnecting the call.

Ben gathered both of my hands in his. "Ryan said when he checked last night, your left eye was bloodshot but undamaged. The right eye has a couple of burst blood vessels, but he said they are only small and will resolve on their own. He didn't prescribe drops because he said they would have minimal effect and he didn't want the injuries added to by forcing the lids back all the time. He assured me that by the time your eyes are open, they should be a lot clearer."

I felt an overwhelming sense of relief because I'd been concerned I might be partially blind.


When I woke again and reached out a hand to the other side of the bed, I found the spot where Benvolio had been was empty and cold. He'd been up for a while, probably to take care of family business.

Pushing out of bed and onto my feet, I headed in the direction—or at least what I hoped was the direction—of the ensuite to take care of my urgent need. I badly wanted something to eat and coffee, lots of it, but had no idea where I was in relation to the rest of the house. I hadn't bothered to find out which was Benvolio's room, so it would be a matter of trial and error to find my way downstairs,

“Baby steps,” I murmured to myself.

After taking care of business, locating the sink, and washing my hands and face, I felt my way to another door, feeling quite proud of myself for doing so without incident. I pulled the door open, and when I stepped forward, something brushed my shoulder which caused me to squeal in alarm. I shook with fright and wondered when I had become so gutless I was afraid of my own shadow.

"Nik?" Benvolio sounded frantic as he yelled my name.