“Take a look around, Gate. Make sure there’s nothing that points to us being here when the body is found.

“Suggestion, Ben?”


“Why don’t we burn the fucking place to the ground? There are only criminal houses on either side so who will care if they burn down? Who gives a fuck if the entire fucking street burns?”

“Go ahead.”

Cosimo and Savastino arrived back at the same time and when I looked up, Cosimo waved a disc in the air.

Taking the disc from his hand, I pushed it into a pocket of my jacket before standing and ensuring the blanket was wrapped securely around my wife who was still out cold.

“Cosimo, go with the Boss and get the car started. Savastino, come with me, we’re going to blow this fucker sky high.


I sat in the back seat of the car with Cosimo at the wheel, Nikita was enfolded in my arms and pulled close against my chest.

“Call Doc Steele, tell him we need him at the house.”

Cosimo dialled and I heard him give the doctor my message. He hung up and turned to face where I sat. “He’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

"Good." I peered through the window. Knowing my wife was safe, I became calmer as time passed. Gaetano and Savastino jogged to the car. Gaetano slid into the front passenger street while Savastino climbed in beside me and Nikita in the back.

Cosimo eased the car down the street, and we had just reached the corner when an explosion rattled the car and lit up the night sky. I turned to see the house and those on either side in a ball of flames.


The four of us entered my home, and while Cosimo and Savastino headed to the meeting room to relax, which would involve pouring themselves a drop or two of the best alcohol, I carried Nikita upstairs to my bedroom. For some reason, I had an overwhelming need to have her in my bed where I could watch over and hold her.

I threw back the doona and laid my wife, still wrapped in the blanket, on the sheet and drew the doona up before stripping out of my jacket, removing the tie, plucking open the top two buttons of my shirt and rolling up the sleeves. Before dropping into a chair beside the bed, I pulled the phone from a pocket. Gaetano followed my actions and dropped into a chair opposite.

Mother was the first person I called because she wouldn’t rest until she knew Nikita was safe. The two had become close in only a few days and I was a little jealous of their relationship. Why? Fuck knew.

“We have her. She’s been beaten up pretty bad but will be okay. Dr Steele is on his way. I’ll call you after he leaves.”

She sounded teary and thanked me before we disconnected the call. Next on my list was Mario.

"It's done, Sir. Calliro, Vincenzo, and Tony have been eliminated."


I heard security buzzing and hung up the call.

“Done?” Gaetano asked.

I nodded and turned towards the doorway as Dr Ryan Steele walked into the room.

“Cosimo let me in,” he said by way of explanation.

“I’ll be downstairs.” Gaetano stood and left the room.

Dr Steele opened his bag and examined Nikita's burned and bruised face. Taking a torch, he peeled open and checked her eyes, and then examined her obviously broken nose.

Once satisfied, he pulled back the doona and I opened the blanket to reveal my wife’s torso. Dr Steele took a stethoscope from his bag and spent the next few minutes listening to Nikita’s chest, taking her temperature and pulse. He then closely examined the incision along her torso.

Sitting on the side of the bed, he wrapped the stethoscope around his neck.