She tossed it onto a trestle table I hadn't previously noticed that was up against one wall. I did not like the look of the implements on that table.

While I was distracted, I missed seeing Vincenzo take out the knife that he now held up. There was pure evil in his eyes as he approached. I took a step backwards, straight into Marilyn and she grasped my arms.

Vincenzo sliced through every piece of clothing I wore in less than the blink of an eye. I stood naked and trembling in only my heels.

“Over here,” Vincenzo barked.

Marilyn shoved me in the back, and I stumbled forwards to where the man stood. He forced my wrists together and tied them tightly with a rope. A hook from a pulley system was threaded through the rope and Vincenzo pushed a button to set the machine in motion. My arms were drawn over my head and I was lifted until the shoes were removed and the tips of my toes barely brushed the floor. Taking all my weight tore at my shoulders.

I heard the door at the top of the stairs open and heavy footsteps as someone, or multiple someones, descended. Three men came into view. Like Vincenzo, they wore black suits, had long dark hair, and eyes that burned with hate.

I suspected these men were some of the enemies Benvolio had spoken about. I was in deep shit and was pretty sure my life was about to come to an end.

Chapter Thirteen


I shook hands with Zane and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Gaetano dropped into the other and my new manager sat opposite.

“I didn’t expect to see you here today, Boss. I thought you would be with Miss Nikita doing…” Zane grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

I glared, and he got the message.

“Sorry, over the line,” he apologised.

I merely nodded. "I spoke with Germaine last night and he said you're doing very well, and he is confident you will have the club back on track in no time. How do you feel about things?"

"It's only been a couple of days and it's quite the learning curve, but the staff are very good and need little supervision. It's left me with time to work through the administration side of things with Germaine."

"Will you be ready to manage on your own in a couple of weeks? I need Germaine to update the books at Nascondiglio and Manna. I can get Leonard or Torvino from Manna to come and help out if you don't think you're ready."

Zane shook his head. “As I said, the staff here are very good, they know the business well so if I need anything, I ask one of them. Germaine will still be in a couple of days a week and he assures me he will only be as far away as the end of the phone.”

“Where is Germaine?”

“He took Hayden to the bank to deposit takings.”

“Any problems, if you can’t get Germaine, call me or Gaetano.”

I glanced at my watch and saw it was twenty minutes to four. For some reason, I found myself wanting to be home when Nikita got back from lunch. I'd been having strange feelings about the lady and picturing us fucking more and more often.

I was at Segreti where I could have my choice of women to fuck, including Maddie who I had seen hanging off a well-known politician when I’d arrived, and I didn’t want any of them. I pushed to my feet.

“I’ll be in again on Wednesday.”

“Thanks, Boss. I’m sure everything will run like clockwork.”

Gaetano and I shook hands with Zane and left.

After a busy couple of hours, I was looking forward to spending the evening with my wife.

I hoped she might set her anger aside and be receptive to spending some time with me.


Gaetano pulled into the garage at exactly four. I left the car and headed into the house to find Nikita. Louisa informed me she hadn't yet arrived back.

Back outside, I stood waiting, watching cars pass back and forth in front of the house, wondering where they were all going late on a Sunday afternoon.