“His father will speak to him, Darling. I know he has crossed the line a few times, but my son has enough self-control to stop himself from hurting you.”

“I’m not sure.”

"I give you my word he won't do anything silly, but if you'd prefer, you're welcome to come home with me and Enzo. I'm just concerned that if you come with us, it sends a message that you're afraid of Benvolio which would be a mistake."

I thought about Lucia’s words. She was the only person in my life who genuinely had my best interests at heart.

I nodded slowly. “I’ll stay here.”

Lucia patted my hand. “Good girl. I’ll tell everyone you’re not feeling well and won’t be back down.”

“Thank you. You’ll still send a car for me on Monday?”

“Yes, Mario will pick you up as agreed.”

Lucia hugged me close and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I care about you very much and I'm thankful the good Lord brought you into my life. I know your marriage is a long way from conventional, but I still regard you as my daughter-in-law."

"I care about you too, Lucia, and consider you a good friend. I appreciate everything you have done." I kissed Lucia and she stood.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Darling, and tell Benvolio to get the door fixed first thing tomorrow."

I watched her pull the door back into place as she left.

Chapter Eleven


“Office,” Father growled when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

I stormed after him, and when we stepped inside my office, I slammed the door.

"Sit down," Father commanded.

I hesitated for only a moment before thinking better of defying him and dropped into a chair. Father leaned back against my desk, one ankle crossed over the other and his arms folded across his chest.

"The way you spoke to Nikita was unacceptable even for this family. We might be mafia, and fuck knows we commit too many crimes to count, but we don't speak to our women like whores on a street corner."

“She’s not…”

Father lifted his hand, and I clamped my mouth shut.

“That young lady upstairs honoured this family by marrying you to repay a debt that wasn’t hers. She would have been aware that had she refused to become your wife, it would not have been her who would have suffered. Nikita had a choice to walk away but instead, the lady showed guts and loyalty by stepping up to marry. Then, I find you with her pinned up against a wall with your hand around her throat. The lady was terrified…You put that look in her eyes and I have never been more ashamed of you. You will make your apologies and start treating her like an Abruzzenesa princess.”

There was no point in arguing, I was on a hiding to nothing and when I remained silent, Father continued.

“I will not tolerate any more of your bullshit where Nikita is concerned. You are head of this family and will treat every member with respect or you will answer to me.”

I dragged the fingers of both hands over my head. “I hate this, Dad. Making my marriage public has put Nikita in a world of danger. You know Calliro Zovera is still in the wind. If he hears about my marriage, he’ll come after Nikita. I don’t like the woman, but I don’t want her dead.”

“Calliro hasn’t been heard from for months. We have had men looking everywhere and asking questions of our informants. The Irishman is not in the city. He’s gone and you need to deal with this obsession you have with him.”


“No, buts, Son. Calliro knows coming back to Sydney would be a death sentence. If he is still in Australia I suspect he’s as far from this city as he can get.”

Father was wrong but I didn’t argue. I knew in my gut Calliro was out there somewhere. He was laying low, waiting to pounce. Of that I was sure. I could only hope we were able to protect my wife because it would be her Calliro would go after.