The sharpness of his voice and the poke to my ribs from Gaetano brought me back to the present.

I answered his questions, repeated his words as instructed, sang the selected hymns holding a songbook between me and Nikita, and placed the ring on her finger while promising to love, care for, and protect her. I felt like the worst of sinners, lying in church, but fuck, I was already going to hell, a few more sins wouldn't make any difference.

“You may now kiss your wife, Benvolio.”

Yeah, that was going to happen. I’d have to be an insane fool to make any kind of move on the woman.

Nikita stepped closer, tilted her head back, and I saw the challenge in her eyes. Well, two could play that game of pretend. I dragged her into my arms and crashed my lips down on hers. Every muscle in Nikita's body was tense, but when my tongue forced its way past the seam of her lips and into her mouth, she relaxed in my arms and allowed the kiss to deepen. Our tongues twisted and tangled. I was lost in the moment. My cock was harder than a steel post, straining at the zipper of my pants, wanting to get at the lady.

When Father Patrick cleared his throat loudly, and the others in church laughed, I reluctantly released my wife’s lips and took her hand.

“Please turn,” the father requested.

We did as asked, facing my family and friends. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you—Mr Benvolio Abruzzenesa and Mrs Nikita Ashe-Abruzzenesa.”

Everyone clapped but I glared at my mother, knowing she was behind Nikita’s chosen name. I had been completely ignored when I’d said she wasn’t to take my name.

Mother winked and grinned—The bitch.

As the clapping continued, I dragged Nikita down the aisle, stopping in the church doorway for the obligatory photos.

Chapter Ten


Benvolio and I stood in the doorway of the church smiling when the photographer commanded.

"Now look at each other," the young man—Michael, ordered.

I turned my head towards Benvolio and our eyes met. The smile slipped from my lips when his obvious lust hit me with the force of the midday train.

When I began pulling my hand from his, Benvolio tightened his grip. Under the pretence of kissing my cheek, Benvolio whispered in my ear.

“You will behave yourself for the duration of this wedding and then I will take you upstairs and fuck you into next week.”

Why did his demeaning, aggressive words cause my pussy to clench and knees to tremble? My excitement at what he threatened was puzzling. Benvolio caused feelings in me that were terrifying. They were feelings I didn’t understand. After all, I hated the man—or did I?

Not wanting to ruin the event Lucia had worked hard to pull together, I swallowed down my bitter reply and pasted a smile back on my face.

“Perfect,” Michael grinned. “Now some photos with the parents.”

And so it began. The photographer must have taken five thousand shots, a little exaggeration but you know what I mean, over the course of the afternoon. I was grateful once he announced he was done, and we made our way back to Benvolio’s home.

The caterers had erected a large white tent, large enough to hold the small number of guests that were present. Tables had beautiful flower arrangements in the centres and chairs were decorated with ribbons. The wedding table was in a position where everyone could see those who were seated. A buffet had been agreed on which had caused an outburst from Benvolio who found the idea of serving oneself, in his words—uncouth. Lucia and I had glanced at each other and grinned. When we'd made the decision to go with a buffet, Lucia had mentioned her son would not be happy.

After helping myself to a little food, I sat at a table with Alec, Eroldo, Chantelle, and her husband, Zoran, preferring their company to my father’s and Benvolio’s on the wedding table. It wasn’t until an announcement was made that it was time for the toasts that I was forced between the men I detested.

"This should be interesting," I muttered when Benvolio insisted on giving a toast instead of the best man as was usual. He pushed to his feet, the area became quiet, and all eyes turned to my husband, anxiously awaiting his every word.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, first of all, thank you for being here today. This is a small affair as you can see with only close friends and family in attendance." Benvolio took a deep breath. "You are all aware that this is an arranged marriage due to circumstances beyond mine and Nikita's control. It is not something either of us wanted. I have no attraction to Nikita and since our dislike of each other is mutual, after today we will not be seen in public as husband and wife despite what my mother thinks." Benvolio made a show of removing the ring I'd slipped onto his finger only hours earlier and shoved it into his pants pocket.

I’d seen and heard enough. Determined not to be embarrassed further, I pushed onto my feet as Benvolio held his champagne glass in the air for a toast. Fuck knew what he was going to say, I wasn’t staying around to find out. As I attempted to step away, Benvolio took me firmly by the forearm.

“Stay, I’m about to propose a toast.” Cruelty etched his face.

“Let me go,” I hissed.

Benvolio sneered. “Why, Sweetheart? You’re my wife now so no one will see you for the whore you are. You now have all the privileges of being a part of this family which is what your father wanted. Why else would he have agreed to make his unborn daughter my whore if not for the benefits this family offers? Why else would you agree to this farce?”