“We’ve had a problem,” I began.

Casey and Zane exchanged a glance.

“With us?” Casey asked with concern.

“No. Germaine found Valerio skimming at Segreti and Frederico was helping.”

“Fuck. How much?” Casey asked.

“Almost two hundred.”

Zane whistled.

“They’ve been dealt with, but I’ve had to make some changes.”

"I'm guessing this has something to do with us since you're here." Casey sipped at his whisky and settled back in his chair. "How can I help?"

“I want Zane to take over management of Segreti.”

Zane grinned from ear to ear. “Thanks, Boss.”

"As soon as we leave, tie up any loose ends and head over there. Germaine will talk you through your responsibilities but there is one rule that if you break it, will get you killed."

“Don’t fuck with the girls,” Zane answered before I could continue.

"Who will be my second, Boss?" Casey asked curiously.


Casey nodded. “He’s young but I agree he’s ready. He knows a lot of the job already.”

I slammed down the whisky, feeling the satisfying burn as it slid down my throat. “Men.”

Our business completed, I pushed onto my feet and the other men stood. We all shook hands, Zane thanked me again for his opportunity, and I left with Gaetano and Savastino to return to Segreti.


"Germaine," I snapped the moment I stepped into Segreti and found him waiting inside the door. He would have seen us arriving on security cameras. Like Nascondiglio, Segreti was exclusive, and security was just as tight.

"Boss…Danila and Cosimo are getting washed up, everything has been taken care of as you ordered."

I nodded. "Zane will be here in about an hour. Go over everything with him and stay by his side for the next month until you're confident he's able to manage on his own. I'll be at home if you need me for anything. I've got a lot of fucking crap to deal with over this fucking wedding thanks to Mother."

“Good luck, Boss. I’ll be at St. Giles to watch you marry in two days.”

My eyes snapped up at Germaine’s comment. “Mother?”

He shook his head. "Your father. He called to say he expected me there since I've been with the family for thirty years and he considers me a true family member."

Father knew about Valerio and Frederico. I'd called and filled him in on the situation earlier because he demanded on being kept informed of any changes in the business. He'd also been told that Zane was now in charge of Segreti with Piccolo as his second while Henry was to be second in charge to Casey. It was pretty much as I had planned two weeks earlier—before Father had interfered. The only difference was Piccolo since I hadn't anticipated losing Frederico.

“Fuck. It seems everyone is working against me to make sure this farce happens.”

Gaetano slapped my back. “If your mother and father are on the same side you’re in big fucking trouble.”

“Don’t I fucking know it!”

The men laughed and I glared at them before walking out with Gaetano on my heels. Savastino offered to stay and help Germaine until Casey arrived.