“You haven’t been in a relationship before now?”

I shook my head. "I wasn't interested while I was studying to become a teacher. I'm young and didn't really believe my father would honour the deal with your husband. Would you tell me about your son?"

"Of course...We had Benvolio when I was forty-four and Enzo was fifty-three. We'd attempted to have children for years. Enzo was desperate for an heir. When I didn't conceive, we tried numerous IVF cycles over the years, but nothing was successful. With Enzo's connections we could have adopted without the long wait, but we decided we were too old, and it wouldn't be fair to us or the child. Six months later, I became ill, and it persisted for days, no matter what I did to feel better. I visited our family doctor, he did a full blood test and a few hours later, he called to say I was pregnant. Enzo and I were shocked speechless but over the moon that we would finally be parents. We didn't care if the baby was male or female as long as it arrived safely and was healthy. Enzo treated me like royalty and admitted he loved me more than he thought possible after watching his baby growing inside my body. Benvolio was...is...our entire life. Our biggest fear was that he'd be so involved in the family business, he would allow life to pass him by, never fall in love, and have children. When your father got into debt with Enzo, my husband saw it as an opportunity for our then seven-year-old son. Your father was a stunning man to look at and Enzo was convinced any daughter he had would be beautiful enough to interest our son. So my husband came up with the crazy idea that you would be promised to our son as repayment. I told Enzo he was nuts, that he had no right to meddle in our son's life in such a way, but being the powerful head of this family, he insisted, and I was powerless. I was shocked that your father agreed but at the time, he had no choice."

“What would have happened if Daddy hadn’t married and fathered a daughter?”

“He would be dead.”

Lucia’s statement didn’t come as a surprise, I’d already figured as much. “How old is Benvolio?”

"Twenty-nine. I'm very surprised you were born before the age gap became unacceptable, because at the time of the arrangement your father wasn't married or in a relationship. When were you told?"

“On my twelfth birthday. I honestly didn’t think it would happen. I can’t marry your son, Lucia. We hate each other and he said as soon as the wedding is over he’s sending me to work in his strip club.”

Lucia's eyes widened. "I give you my word, Sweetheart, which won't happen. No...My son will marry as agreed and you will not be sent to any strip club or kept locked in this room. When Benvolio attends functions and galas, you will be on his arm as his wife. My son may be the head of this family, but he will respect what I say."

"I can't go anywhere as his wife and Benvolio said our wedding is to be here at the house with only our parents and his men. He wants to keep anything to do with our marriage a secret. He threatened to make me disappear if I said a word about being his wife and forbids me from taking his name. He also threatened to kill my father if I didn't follow instructions."

“Would you like to go shopping?”

Lucia’s complete change of direction and question caught me off guard.


"Benvolio had me choose your wardrobe but we need to purchase some clothes you will be more comfortable wearing when you're relaxing at home. "

"I'd appreciate that very much. Being raised by my father, I've always been free to wear what I prefer. Like most men, he has no idea about fashion. As long as I looked presentable when we went out to a function or restaurant, he didn't mind how I dressed at home. I pretty much lived in shorts, tops, and swimsuits."

“You said you had been to university?”

“Yes. I am waiting for my latest exam results to graduate. I have applied to teach at several schools in the area.”

“Which grades?”

“Three to six in primary school.”

“Lovely. I’ll make sure you are free to pursue your career.”

"Thank you. I've worked hard to graduate, and I would hate it to go to waste."

“Trust me, Sweetheart. Now, you ready to shop?”


"Benvolio assured me he had everything in hand for the wedding but from what you have said, he had no intention of giving you what you deserve. We'll organise a wedding dress and all the trimmings first. I'm sure you have your dream dress in mind. We need to order a cake and flowers. Then, we'll meet with my caterer and choose menus. Half the city will be at the wedding of your dreams and my son will never be able to deny you are his wife. I'll be proud to be your mother-in-law and your fiercest ally."

“I don’t know what to say. It’s reassuring to know that I’m not going through this alone so thank you.”

Lucia leaned forward and pulled me into her arms for a hug. I didn’t hesitate to hug her back. I knew without a doubt, I’d come to love the beautiful woman.

“All I ask is that you at least give my son a chance because I honestly believe you two could have as great a love as me and Enzo.”

“We hate each other, Lucia. We hate the position we’re in, but I promise you, I will rein in my anger and be civil.”

“Thank you. Come on, let’s shop.”

We both stood, Lucia took my hand, and we headed downstairs.