Feeling worn out, we headed back to the sun lounges and dried off before laying our towels out again. I reached for the tie at the back of my top but dropped it when my husband growled, "Don't. They are mine, no one else's."

Not wanting to argue at such a perfect time, I left the top fastened.

Benvolio leaned over and kissed my lips. “Relax and I’ll get that decaf iced coffee.”

I lay back on the lounge, watching as my sexy man headed up the beach in search of a café.

Chapter Nineteen


It had been the perfect week with my wife. It was hard to imagine not having her in my life now. We'd hiked Diamond Head, and I was a little concerned by how exhausted it had left Nikita, knowing she worked out regularly in the gym, but she assured me she was fine, and after a couple of hours sleep, she was back to her energetic self. A day at the Polynesian Cultural Centre as V.I.P.s had seen us try some interesting foods and having a go at Tititorea a New Zealand stick game. Nikita had laughed so much at her lack of coordination that the sticks had spent more time hitting the ground than being caught.

Our most sombre day had been a visit to the USS Arizona Memorial and my wife had shed a few tears for the men who had lost their lives. Following our visit there, we hopped a small boat and toured the mighty Missouri where we found the document of surrender by the Japanese, signed on board at the end of World War 2. Nikita was excited to find the name and signature of Australian, General Thomas Blamey who had been in attendance.

The only damp spot in the week was when we'd eaten sushi at a local restaurant and Nikita had become violently ill. I'd called for the doctor who had wanted to prescribe nausea medication to prevent the vomiting and had been surprised when Nikita vehemently refused. When the doctor began to insist and my wife became distressed, I'd stepped in to tell the doctor to write the prescription, and if she was no better by morning, I would have it filled. That seemed to placate them both.

During the night, Nikita had woken and said she was feeling much better, which set my mind at ease.

I finished making the cup of tea the way Nikita liked to drink it and buttered two pieces of toast, adding a thick smear of Vegemite. How she could eat the stuff spread centimetres thick, I had no idea. I set everything on a tray and placed it on the bedside table before sitting on the bed. Leaning over I placed a kiss to Nikita's lips and her eyes flickered open.

“Good morning, husband,” she smiled.

“Good morning. How are you feeling today?”

Nikita pulled herself up and I positioned the pillows to make her comfortable.

“I feel very well. You were worried about nothing.”

I studied her eyes. They were clear and her cheeks were no longer pale, so I believed what she'd said. I lifted the tray and sat it across her lap.

“Thank you.”

While Nikita ate, I grabbed a coffee and some toast for myself—minus the Vegemite and returned to sit on the side of the bed.

“What do you have planned for today? Do I even get a hint?” she asked between bites.

I grinned and shook my head since my mouth was full of toast.


“You can whinge and whine all you like but you’ll find out when I’m good and ready.”

“You’re mean.”

“I know.”

"The blue dress?" The dress had been the one I'd worn for lunch on the first day I'd been at his home and Benvolio said it was his favourite. He'd asked me to wear it a few times since.

“Yes, and the matching shoes.”

“That’s awful fancy.”

“We’re going somewhere fancy.”

Her eyes lit up on hearing the slight clue.

“Do you want my hair up or down?”