Daddy removed his hand from my arm, the sudden release causing me to stumble. Benvolio stepped forward, took my arms, and prevented my fall. I inhaled his scent, a combination of cinnamon and man.

“Take your fucking hands off me.”

I stepped back and he dropped his hands.

The man beside him wasn’t as tall as Benvolio but was much larger in build. His black eyes showed a hint of humour and his lips quirked as he smothered a grin behind his short beard.

“Mr Abruzzenesa, I apologise for my daughter’s hysterical behaviour and her manner of dress. Unfortunately, she has not been cooperative in this matter despite having been advised of her destiny years ago.”

“I’m not cooperative because the arrangement is not fucking happening. I’m not some fucking piece of furniture to be given away on a whim. To be owned by an arsehole who is too fucking lazy to find a woman for himself. If I’d wanted a husband I would have chosen one by now and nothing you have agreed to would have stopped me.” I locked my eyes on Benvolio. “I suggest you discuss some other form of compensation with my father because your plan to own me will fail.”

Benvolio grinned, and if I'd thought he was gorgeous before, when he smiled I felt an overwhelming desire to drag him into bed and explore every part of his body.

I came to my senses, reminding myself this man was my enemy.

"Can I speak now?" Benvolio asked, quirking an eyebrow.

The twinkle of humour in his eyes faded and was replaced with a frighteningly dark look of threat. I kept my mouth shut so as not to provoke the man I suspected was extremely dangerous.

“Come and sit down,” he ordered.

I remained where I was.

“Sit the fuck down.”

Benvolio didn’t raise his voice as was my father’s habit. He spoke with quiet menace that sent chills dancing down my spine and I hurriedly pulled out a chair and plopped my arse down.

Benvolio sat opposite where we could see each other face to face, and his friend sat alongside him.

Benvolio indicated the man on his left. "This is Gaetano Cocciola, my best friend. He also holds an important position in the famiglia."

I nodded my head at the man. “Gaetano, How the fuck did you get involved with this arsehole?”

“Nikita! Your language,” my father shouted, causing me to jump.

I crossed my arms in defiance.

“Before we leave…” Benvolio began before I cut him off.

“I’m not going anywhere with you so you can leave when you’re ready.” I began standing.

“I won’t tell you again to sit down. You are going to listen to what I have to say.” The menacing voice was back so I stayed put.

"First of all, our fathers in their ridiculous wisdom made an agreement that I do not agree with, but regardless, you and I are bound to honour the terms of that agreement. Do I hate that I'm being forced into a union with you? You bet your fucking arse I do, but I will not go against my father's wishes. And you will not go against your father."

“Yes, I will. I don’t give a fuck if you’re too gutless to stand up to your father, but I will stand up to mine. As I said earlier, I will not be owned by anyone.”

"You were bred to be owned...By me. And that is what is going to happen. There will be no other negotiation and it will be easier on both of us if you stop fighting me and your father."

"I'm not fighting with you and Daddy. I'm telling you...Whatever you think is going to happen will not involve me."

“Are you packed?”

I was surprised by his question and didn’t answer.

“She has a suitcase packed and I will organise for the rest of her things to be sent over,” my father answered.

"You lot really are thick. How many times do I have to tell you, I won't be bullied into becoming the wife of any man."