Gaetano patted my shoulder, and his words had a slight calming effect. “Nik is all right, Ben, and our worst threat to her life has been eliminated.’

"She could have been killed, Gate. What if I hadn't been able to figure out where she was being held? What if I hadn't been able to recognise the view through the window? I could have put a man on her around the clock and didn't. I should have insisted she have someone with her when she went to visit Mother even though Mario was driving, and we spoke."

"Ben, don't use me as an excuse to wallow and whine. It's your fucking drama, you act in it. I've had enough happen in the past week, and I'm okay, so leave me out of your woulda, coulda, shoulda production and I'll get on with my life."

I hadn't heard Nikita approach and watched as she stood in the doorway having her say. The light through the kitchen window illuminated her and the sheer nightdress she wore left nothing to the imagination. My dick thickened with desire. Both of my heads wanted this woman, and had she not been injured, I would have taken her upstairs, thrown her on the bed, and fucked her until she was no longer capable of standing.

"What did you need, Sweetheart?" I decided to ignore what she'd said knowing Nikita in her current mood was a force to be reckoned with.

I walked to where she stood and wrapped an arm around her waist. Every part of my body came to life and all I’d done was touched the woman.

“I came in for a coffee and to tell you something.”

Nikita tilted her head back and looked into my face. It was then I saw her eyes were open. The swelling was still severe, and both eyes were bloodshot, but they were almost fully open. I pulled her into my arms, and we hugged while I placed a kiss to the top of her head. Had she been up for it, I would have slammed my lips against hers for a toe-curling kiss.

Nikita looked me in the eyes and tilted her hips, rubbing against my hard dick. “I’ll take care of this as soon as I can.”

I groaned. I was falling head over heels for my wife, and it was happening at the speed of fucking light.


One week later

Sleeping in the same bed as Nikita, and not being able to do anything more than hold her in my arms and kiss her, was fucking killing me. I had no idea how much longer I'd be able to hold off dipping my dick into her gorgeous pussy.

Over the past week, I'd gotten to see my lady had a backbone of steel and it was becoming obvious she didn't allow anything to bring her down. I was also learning it was beneficial to pay attention to what she said.

Case in point? The day after our encounter in the kitchen a week earlier, and her insistence that she was fine to move on with her life, I’d had a word with my parents. I often sought and respected their counsel.

I was concerned Nikita was pushing everything deep and it was only a matter of time before it bubbled up and she exploded, leaving her a distressed mess. My parents had suggested she speak with a therapist, so I'd called Ryan and asked his opinion. He thought it was a good idea and said he would send a man he trusted to speak with my wife.

Dr Akesh Dunyaya had come to our home, and I had spoken with him briefly, explaining Nikita had been the victim of kidnap and beating. Despite Ryan saying the therapist could be trusted, I gave him as little information as necessary.

Nikita had been resting on the couch when I’d taken the man to meet with her. As I introduced them, I explained Akesh was there to talk her through the abuse she had suffered. My wife had shot to her feet and her temper detonated.

I had felt sorry for the young man at my side who stood rooted to the spot as Nikita unleashed. She had made it more than clear I'd been out of line. I'd learnt my lesson and heard Nikita loud and clear—Don't interfere.

Dr Dunyaya left with an apology from me as well as a substantial payment to cover his time and compensate for Nikita's caustic tongue.

There was no doubt, my wife had a volatile temper and god help anyone who treated her as a weakling who wasn't in control of her body and emotions. I'd also seen a loving, caring side to Nikita, especially when it came to my mother. Father and I had discussed their closeness, and we had no doubt, they were a formidable force. They were similar in many ways, but Mother did not have a short fuse.

I pulled Nikita closer in my arms, her head resting on my chest. She kissed one of my nipples before lifting her head and giving me a smile that could bring light to any dark day. Leaning over, I captured her lips for what became a scorching kiss.

“Good morning,” I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“Good morning, husband.”

I studied Nikita’s face, it was healing well with the bruising beginning to fade and almost all the swelling had settled.

"Your face is healing well, Beautiful."

"Yes, and the incision is almost healed now too. I removed the dressing last night and showered while you were downstairs. The incision is closed so I didn't apply another dressing. It's just a matter of time now until the scar fades."

“You heal well. Are you ready for today?”

“Yes. I want her gone so I can put the entire incident in the past.”

I searched Nikita's eyes for any hint of anxiety or distress. Neither were there. Only the strength I was beginning to become very familiar with shone through. I ran one hand over her nightgown-covered back.