"Gate called one of the cops we know last night after he pulled a couple of images from the basement disc."

"Basement disc?"

“Calliro was recording what was going on in the basement.”


"Gate sent the images to the cop and he also emailed them to his contacts. We got a call this morning to say Marilyn had been detained at Newcastle Airport about to board a flight to Perth with a connection to Rome via Dubai. She was held in custody until Savastino and Cosimo arrived. They should be here in about an hour and I'm going to question her to find out if there are any of Calliro's men in the wind that might take his place and go after my family. We'll keep her on ice until you are well enough to deal with her."

“Thanks. Will you tell me what you find out?”

"Of course, I will, Baby because if there is someone else, it puts you in danger and you should know."


“Yes, Darlin’?”

"You watched the disc?"

A large hand landed on my shoulder. "I did, and seeing how you suffered makes me want to tear that bitch apart. I am so fucking proud of you. What you went through would have broken most men. I'm Ben's brother and I love him, so being his wife, I regard you as my sister and love you too. As much as I would like to be turned loose on the bitch, she's yours as Ben has already made clear."

I patted Gaetano's hand. "Thank you."

"Now that's dealt with, how about I chase up something for you to eat?" Benvolio offered. "What would you like me to ask Alaina to fix?"

"Coffee...gallons of the stuff and a loaf of bread, toasted and spread with Vegemite."

Ben laughed. “How about you start with a mug of coffee and three slices of toast?”

“Four and ask Alaina to keep the coffee perking and the toaster warm.”

Ben laughed again. I’d rarely heard the sound from his lips and wished I could have seen his face.

Chapter Seventeen


I lost count of how many pieces of toast Nikita devoured. She hadn't been wrong about being starved. Along with the toast, three mugs of coffee had also been downed before she conceded defeat. Where a woman so slight in build put it all was a mystery.

After she was finished, I helped her to the downstairs bathroom where she brushed her teeth, and I brushed her silky soft hair, washed her face carefully, and applied the cream I'd brought downstairs with her tablet and headphones. Ointment was applied to her wrists, and I noted they were already showing signs of healing.

Nikita settled back on the couch, and I started the audiobook playing. Alaina and Louisa assured me they would check on her regularly throughout the morning. With my wife's needs taken care of, and the men having arrived back with Marilyn, I headed downstairs to the basement.

Gaetano, Savastino, and Cosimo had the bitch stripped naked and bound to the chair. A gag filled her mouth and tears dripped down her cheeks.

When I neared, Gaetano handed me a buff folder and we all took a seat at the table nearby. I set the folder on the table and threw the cover back.

The top document had a picture of Marilyn but as I read the information below, I learned that was not her name. Her real name was Allara Romani. She was thirty-six years old and had left Australia to reside in Italy five years earlier. By the time we finished with her, she was going to wish she had stayed there.

I set the document face down and picked up the passport which was also in her real name. The next gave information on the woman, it came in handy having cops on the payroll. According to a report written by one of our contacts, Calliro was the only one of his family left in country that could do us any harm. The only family that remained back in Italy was Allara's father, who was suffering from dementia, and an equally elderly aunt. Neither of which were any threat.

Allara had been visiting from Naples where most of Calliro's family now lived. Her father was the brother of Calliro's father and the mother's whereabouts were unknown. It was thought she had left Allara—an only child—and her husband to return to her native Italy decades earlier. Allara's mother had been reported missing by friends and the police had found her disappearance suspicious after learning her husband was known for his violence. There was no record of her leaving Australia by plane or ship, but without proof of any kind, the investigation was abandoned.

While awaiting my men's arrival in Newcastle, Allara had been questioned about her return to the country and her movements since arriving. All she would say, was she had come to visit her cousin, Calliro.

I flicked over the rest of the folder’s documents and satisfied there was no other information to be gleaned, closed the folder, and stood.

Stepping in front of the woman, I removed the gag and pulled a chair over so I could sit.