“Nothing. She’s yours.”


"You will decide how she dies. And be assured, she will die for her part in what happened to you."

“Have you spoken with my father?”

“No. He knows nothing yet. I thought you could make the decision on what you tell him, and it needs to be face to face so he can…”

“No, I don’t want him to know anything.”


“No, Ben. He’ll say you failed to keep me safe, and he’ll insist I return home.”

"That's understandable. If you were my daughter I'd feel the same. I failed you and I failed him by not keeping you safe."

“You didn’t fail anyone, and I don’t want to leave.”

"You don't? I wouldn't fight your decision to leave if it is what you want, and neither would my father."

"No. I'm your wife now and I don't…won't run at the first sign of trouble. We may not have had the best start, but I take marriage very seriously and unless it proves to be beyond saving or unbearable, I want to give us a try. And Ben…?"


"I won't hide. If I am to be your wife, it needs to be in every way...privately and publicly.

“Let’s talk about that when you’ve had a few days to think. I’ve been pretty nasty and cruel to you up to now.”

"The same could be said for my treatment of you but I know what I want, Ben...this marriage and you."

“You’re not going to make it easy for me to say no are you?”

I laughed and it felt good. "Probably not. I'll drive you crazy, but if you give us a chance, I won't let you down. Unless you'd prefer I pissed off home?"

Ben kissed the top of my head and despite the pain of my injuries, desire shot through my body. “I don’t want you to leave.”

“Then it’s settled. Your life from this point is about to get a whole lot more interesting because I’m not easy to live around.”

“I can handle anything you dish out and I can always put you over my knee.”

I chuckled as Ben laid us both down in the bed, keeping me cocooned in his arms. I rested the back of my head against his broad chest, and feeling safe, drifted back into sleep.


I woke up in Ben’s arms and didn’t want to move. Trouble was, my bladder had other ideas. I wriggled to ease the pressure.

“Good morning.” Ben kissed my forehead.

“Did I wake you?”

"No. I've been awake for some time. I didn't want to wake you but, Sweetheart, if I don't get up now, we're gonna be lying in a very wet bed.

I laughed and rolled off my husband. While he got up and used the bathroom, I tried to force my eyes open. When I peeled the right lid back, I was distressed to find everything was barely visible and had a red glow. I screamed for Ben, and I swear he reached me in record time. The bed dipped as he sat on the side of the bed and gathered me against him.

“What the fuck is wrong?”

“Red,” I sobbed. “Everything is blurry and red.”