"I'll cut the images and send them to Kerry at the station when she goes on duty in the morning. She'll be able to tell us who the woman is, where she works, and her address. I'll keep you updated."

I found it interesting Gaetano knew Kerry's schedule. We'd known the police sergeant for years, but I had no idea when she was on duty. Hmm—

“Thanks.” I turned to leave but Gaetano drew my attention back.

"Do you object to me watching the entire disc, or do you just want me to scroll until I find the woman and leave it there?"

I stepped back toward the man. “Gate, you are my brother and that makes Nik your sister. I want you to see why I’m so fucking proud of my woman.” Tears I couldn’t explain filled my eyes.

Gaetano tilted his head to the side. “You okay, Boss?”

I nodded while regaining my composure. "I've never had something affect me like this, you know. Usually, I stay detached and don't give a fuck about what we're doing…it's just business. But having Nik kidnapped and abused the way she was…hurts. I want to rip people apart."

"You're starting to care for your wife. I never thought I would see the day when Ben Abruzzenesa had feelings for a woman. I'm happy for you, brother. I have no trouble seeing you two together and eventually feeling the same love as your parents. You two are good for each other. If you can get past the anger, and what you see as an injustice at being forced to marry, I know Nikita will make you happy, Ben."

“Maybe love is a little too much to expect but I do know I don’t want the anger and fighting anymore.”

“Only you and Nikita can make or break a relationship so it’s up to you two. I’ll support you both.”

“I know you will, Gate.” I clapped him on his bare shoulder. “Thank you. Good night.”

I heard Gaetano close the door as I walked away. My brother had given me a lot to think about.

Chapter Sixteen


Calliro put the gun to Ben’s stomach and pulled the trigger. A blood-curdling scream emerged from deep in my chest and I shot upright in bed. I shook as I screamed out Ben’s name.

When a pair of arms attempted to wrap around me, bile rose in my throat and I fought like someone possessed until I heard Ben's voice, soft and soothing near my ear.

"Shh, Sweetheart. You're safe at home. I've got you."

I fell into Ben’s chest and sobbed.

Ben's hand ran up and down my back soothingly. "It was a nightmare, Sweetheart, you're okay."

I heard the bedroom door bang open and hit the wall. "Ben, is everything okay?"

Gaetano sounded concerned. I'd forgotten he lived in a suite downstairs and would have heard me scream.

"I had a nightmare, everything is okay. I'm sorry I woke you, Gaetano."

"Gate," he responded before there was a short pause and I heard the bedroom door closing.

“He shot you, Ben,” I sobbed.

Ben tightened his arms around me. "He's dead, Sweetheart. He's not shooting or hurting anyone again."

“Are you sure?”

"Mario will be here tomorrow to speak with me, would you like to ask him about Calliro yourself?"

"No. I believe you. If you say he's dead...he's dead."

"Gate is going to track down the Marilyn woman tomorrow, I doubt that was her real name."

“What will you do to her?”