Benvolio: I’ll be there.

Gaetano and Mario walked into the room as I pocketed my phone. “I know where Nikita is being held.”

Gaetano raised an eyebrow and I explained.

“The dickhead sent a video clip, and it showed the view through a small window. They have her at his mother’s tenement in Redfern.”

“I can’t believe he would be stupid enough to take her there but then he never was the sharpest knife in the drawer.”

"The men?" I asked.

"On their way," Gaetano spoke for both. "Do you have a plan in mind?"

“Yes, but I have a call to make first.”

Pulling the phone from my pocket, I dialled a detective I knew would be more than happy to help. He had no choice. Detective Barry Forower was a long-term member of both Segreti and Manna. The information I had on him was not only enough to bring down his career but would leave him becoming familiar with the inside of a cell for the rest of his life.

Chapter Fourteen


I watched as the tallest, more sinister of three men approached Vincenzo and they hugged. The stranger then crossed to Marilyn, handed her an envelope, and kissed her cheek before ordering her to leave.

The kidnapper glanced my way for only a moment, hatred for me clear in her eyes, before the clicking of her heels faded as she walked upstairs.

The stranger stalked towards me and my mind warred between fear and anger. He took his time raking his eyes over the length of my naked body and I shuddered in disgust.

"Well, well, well…Benvolio did very well for himself although personally, I prefer my women with more tits. Pity he won't live long enough for you to see him again."

“Ben won’t come for me so you may as well kill me now.”

His eyes widened in surprise. "Ben? You call the head of the Abruzzenesa famiglia...Ben?"

“What I call my husband is none of your fucking business.”

The hard slap across my right cheek jerked my head to the side and I swayed on the ropes.

“You will show me respect,” he snarled.

I laughed, spat in his face, and watched him redden in anger. "I will never respect you, arsehole."

I saw the fist coming and turned my head. The hit collided with the corner of my mouth, and I felt the soft skin of my lip split open. The metallic taste of blood settled on my tongue.

"Shall we try again?" The man snapped.

I spat blood mixed with spittle at his face and it landed on his cheek. His fist this time was lightning fast and connected with full force on my nose. I felt and heard the loud crack as it broke. A backhand that brought more tears to my eyes followed close behind. Pain assaulted my battered face, and I bit down on my tongue, refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out.

“Benvolio obviously hasn’t taught you your place so it looks as if I will have to educate you.”

"Who the fuck are you?" My voice sounded nasal due to the damage caused to my nose.

"Of course, you have no idea who I am; it was remiss of me not to introduce myself earlier. I am Calliro Romani, the older brother of Augustus Romani who was murdered by your husband. And I am the man who will finally have his revenge. Your husband will come for you, but in the meantime, I'm open to sampling Benvolio's property. I can only imagine how he will react when he finds out I have satisfied myself with someone he owns."

“Nobody ‘owns’ me, I am with Ben because I chose to be with him.”

“After you have me you will never again settle for second best as you have with Benvolio.”

"Ben is second to no one and he is a man I care about. You will not ensnare him in your pathetic trap and when he finds out what you have done, your life will be the one ending."