The rest of the men flanked my sides. Gaetano handed me a six-inch nail and hammer from a small nearby table. Frederico's eyes widened, and he shook his head frantically. "Ben…"

I pulled back my arm and backhanded Frederico across the face, the force hard enough to cause the chair to tilt to one side before righting itself. Tears sprang to Frederico’s eyes, and his cheek reddened. I watched as he realised he was a dead man.

“I’m your brother, Benvolio.”

I couldn’t believe he was attempting to deal the brother card in an effort to stay alive.

“Brothers in my family don’t steal from each other. Why?”

Frederico didn't answer, so positioning the tip of the nail to his thigh, I drew back the hammer, and with one mighty pound, sent it tearing through flesh, muscle, and bone. Frederico let out an ear-piercing scream and I was glad the basement was soundproofed. This wasn't our first rodeo at the club with someone who'd crossed the famiglia.

Gaetano handed me a second nail.

“Why?” I demanded again.

Frederico sobbed, his eyes on the blood bubbling from the wound in his leg. I gave him a moment but when no answer was forthcoming, I hammered the nail into his other thigh. His screams were loud enough to shatter eardrums and he bounced in the heavy wooden chair.

Gaetano handed me another nail before I leaned over to meet Frederico's eyes.

“Why?” I roared.

“Because I loved him! We were in love!”

I took a step back. His answer was not expected. I'd had no idea what he'd say but that certainly wasn't it.

“Valerio was gay?” I heard the surprise in my voice.

Frederico’s tear-filled eyes met mine. “Was?”

"You didn't think he'd still be alive after stealing from me, did you? No, he died quick and easy with a bullet to the head because I was in a rage and lost my composure. You, however, won't be so lucky as I'm thinking more clearly. Tell me why."

Frederico didn't answer and determination flared in his eyes. I hammered the next nail into his left wrist and before he'd stopped screaming, the next nail slipped through his right wrist. His limp dick bounced as he convulsed in the chair. Gaetano handed me a pair of thick gloves and after I slipped them on, he gave me a length of barbed wire. I picked up his dick in one hand, and the sobbing came to an abrupt stop, as he realised what was about to happen.


I paused with the wire resting at the top of his dick.


“We needed money so we could go somewhere and start fresh. Valerio said you would kill us if you found out we were gay.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Danila.”

“You fucking idiot. I’m gay. Do I look dead?”

"But, Valerio said…" He studied Danila. "You never said you were gay…"

“He lied you stupid prick. One word to any of the girls here and they would have told you. They know not to approach me when I’m here because I’m gay. He used you. Valerio would never have taken you with him or shared the money. You should have gone straight to the Boss when he approached you about stealing. The Boss took you off the street and this is your thank you?” Gaetano was well and truly pissed off.

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

I shook my head. "No, it won't. You had a choice, and you chose wrong. You signed your death warrant when you took what wasn't yours. When you catch up with Valerio in Hell, make sure you tell him how you suffered for his lies."

I focused on wrapping the barbed wire along the length of his dick. Tight so the starred edges broke through the skin and the wire settled deep. Savastino, tired of the screaming, shoved a cloth in Frederico's mouth and it muffled the sound.

When I reached the tip of his dick, I bent the length down, towards his balls and wrapped the wire in an intricate pattern so his dick and balls were secured together. Blood dripped steadily from all wounds, pooling on the floor. Frederico shook, in shock. Standing back, I took the offered cloth from Gaetano to wipe the small amount of blood from my hands after removing the gloves and admired my handiwork.

Gaetano gave me another length of wire and I moved behind Frederico, lifted the wire over his head, and wrapped it around his neck. When I pulled tight, the flesh burst open, and blood spurted. I secured the ends of the wire and leaned down close to his ear. "Nobody crosses the Abruzzenesa famiglia and lives to tell anyone. Enjoy your slow death."