She panted and smiled up at him, “I never did ask. What does that mean?”
“What?” The word came out more as a groan.
Rager grunted as he slowly pushed through the tight ring of muscle. “Beloved,” he rasped.
Limpid blue eyes blinked up at him and her smile widened, but then she tilted her back and hissed with both pain and pleasure as he finally breached her and sank slowly into her depths. Rager felt his eyes roll back into his head and trembled. He thanked the gods that they blessed him with two pairs of arms, because one of them felt ready to give out as they shook beneath him.
After giving her several minutes to adjust, he withdrew just far enough to line his breeding cock up at her entrance. His body shuddered again, and he met her eyes.
She bit her lip and nodded her head. Unable to hold back his rumble of pleasure, he wedged the tip into her cunt, pushing forward, his body tightening at the snug fit of her stretched flesh surrounding both of his cocks at the same time. He could feel them slide and bump against each other through her body’s barrier, the sensation rousing an intense pleasure in him. Quivering in reaction, he sank into her until his breeding lock slipped inside and swelled within her, tying them together. Instinct roared through him to pin her beneath him and drive into her, but he didn’t.
Not for this first time. He wanted to savor it while he had her alone and to himself.
“Rager, move,” Arie demanded with a whine of pleasure.
Rager chuckled and pulled back before snapping his hips forward. How he loved his female. He felt that love in him grow as Arie’s body arched, her cunt spasming around him, and he felt the first orgasm sweep over his mate. Her fingers tightened in his fur as her body pulled on him greedily.
He pumped with long, strong strokes, visually devouring every expression that flitted across her face, feasting on every sound she made. It stoked the heat building in his blood, and he began to thrust quicker, his body slapping and grinding against hers. Arie began to keen in his ear, her sweet cries of ecstasy driving his own pleasure. His cock and mating lock swelled with preparation, the fluttering of her cunt around him drawing him closer to the apex of his pleasure.
He drew her hips up higher and bent over her shoulder, driving into her. Arie began to wail as his cocks shuttled in and out of her at a rapid pace. Wet heat flowed continuously around him now, slicking his fur with her scent. He inhaled and savored it as he rutted into her. He could feel the tingling in his body announcing the arrival of his own climax?—
Rager jolted forward, eliciting a shriek of pleasure from their mate as he plunged deep into her. Looking over Arie’s shoulder, he discovered the source of the disruption. His mouth dropped open, in part due to their female squeezing tightly around him and in part from surprise. Kyx looked sheepish as he held onto a sapling, the roots of which were currently dusting the floor of the cave with dirt as it lay lopsidedly against the wall where it had collided. Kyx’s expression shifted to one of sexual interest, but Rager bared his fangs in warning. He was too close to suffer another trying to join in now.
Kyx grinned in understanding and went back to struggling with his burden.
He resumed his pace, his grunts mingling with her moans as he sought the ultimate height of their joining. His claws dug into the pelts as he felt the rekindling of his pleasure. Arie’s sounds became higher and more desperate in his ear, her body going taut, and her cunt fluttering—and then she tensed and shrieked, her cunt and ass clenching around him, driving him over the edge into his own ecstasy.
Roaring, he pumped in desperation, his breeding cock spewing seed deep inside her channel. His pleasure shaft didn’t spend fluid, but it vibrated intensely in this position, drawing out his own pleasure so he released in long arcs inside of her. It seemed to do something for Arie as well because she bore down on him, her cunt drawing on his cock relentlessly as she orgasmed once more.
They lay together, panting side by side, his female curled into his body when Arie turned toward him. “What the hell was that? Your second cock never did that before.”
“My pleasure shaft only does so when both are submerged at the same time,” he replied sedately as a relaxed calm swept through his entire body.
Arie smiled at him, her fingers playing with the ends of the long fur of his mane. “I am certainly glad we gave it a try then. In fact…” she trailed off as her eyes moved up to the other side of the cave. She bounded to her feet and stepped over to him, any lingering exhaustion forgotten as she rushed to the other side of the cave.
“Kyx, you got me a tree!” she exclaimed happily and Rager watched in amusement as she pulled the other male in for a kiss.
The tree wobbled slightly within the mound of stones he had stacked around it, but it wasn’t left forgotten for too long. Within minutes Arie was exclaiming over it all over again and began to help shift the rocks around to stabilize it while Rager took it upon himself to find more rocks and bring them inside to place around the trunk. Within short order they would have the tree up and the pleasure of Arie’s smiles.
In the end, Rager wrestled with himself to not frown at the mess in front of him. The entire floor of the cave was covered in pine needles, the tree had drastically reduced the space, and Kyx was suffering from a heretofore unknown allergy to pine sap. He should have known the male would do something stupid when Arie had regaled them with fond memories of Mother’s Night, an occasion that occurred on the solstice night at the end of their own observance of the Withering Days. Unlike the Ragoru’s solemn observances that remembered the dark fathers tempting the Mother of Life, focusing on the fertility and new life kindled within darkness as their bodies went into rut, humans seemed to focus on the rebirth of light within a single night. Human observances seemed far more… merry, with feasting and decorations, among which was a tree.
Arie had spoken longingly of the pine tree she and her mother would bring into their home and decorated for the occasion. Rager had thought the entire thing absurd at the time, and he still wasn’t convinced, although he was warming to the idea now as he watched their mate happily string red rowan berries on sinew string. He should have expected that Kyx would take it upon himself to surprise their mate by uprooting and dragging a sapling into their temporary den while she was distracted.
Rager’s mouth curved at the memory. It had been a particularly satisfying rutting. Although he’d been angry at his brother’s interruption, he hadn’t been able to maintain his ire long when her body began to rhythmically pulsate around him, drawing him into his own inferno of bliss.
Kyx could have put a hole in the cavern wall for all that he would have cared at that point.
The tree probably wouldn’t necessarily have been a bad idea if they weren’t attempting to winter in a small cave rather than the den that they’d spent three revolutions shaping as they planned for the family they would like to have. It had a huge antechamber with a hearth that took up nearly an entire wall, and six sub-chambers. In that den, they would’ve had plenty of room for Arie’s solstice tree. He imagined any rogs they might have would probably enjoy it as well.
Just the thought of little ones made his heart lighten with happiness, though knowing Kyx, he would spoil their offspring with as much enthusiasm as he was for their mate. Rager didn’t mind such little indulgences though he wished his triad brother was a little more careful with how he went about such things since, just hours after hauling into the cave, Kyx broke out in a rash. It wasn’t visible since the male was covered in thick fur, but Rager had been able to feel the raised bumps when he ran his fingers through his fur. Kyx had wanted to keep it from Arie. He hadn’t counted on how observant their female was.
She’d watched with narrowed eyes as Kyx scratched his arms in the same place he’d brushed and plucked the dried sap off himself, and immediately dragged the male over to the pile of furs. After discovering the source of the problem, she’d proceeded to coat his hands and arms in a white sticky substance that crackled over Kyx’s fur even worse than the sap had clung to him as it dried. The male had been mortified. It didn’t help matters when Warol, coming in from scouting, took one look and laughed his fool head off. For which Arie had sent him straight back out to scavenge for anything small and colorful that could be hung on the tree.