The thing was, most people assumed exactly what Hannah had—that Benjamin, David, and Jackson were her stepbrothers. Even Jesse thought the same. They certainly acted like her freaking stepbrothers, so this was going to make them lose their lunch and put a serious dent in their reputations as being players of the year when she scarred the horniness right out of them, and they became celibate for life. Well, that was the plan.

Also, her plan had a dual purpose. She was teaching them a lesson because they made Hannah fall for them, and she was avenging her friend because they then had the absolute nerve to reject her.

She was doing the universe’s work.

But she could hardly wait to see their faces when they saw who the person was behind, I Like Big Dicks.

Scarred for life. Objective achieved.

Chapter Six

“What the fuck?”

Benjamin Harris flung his phone onto his desk, rose from his chair, and planted his hands on his hips as he stared at the device.

Two seconds later, Jackson stormed into his office, followed closely by David.

“Fucking hell,” David roared. “Did we all get it?”

“Yeah,” Jackson grunted.

“What the fuck does she think she’s doing?” Benjamin asked. He was as rattled as his friends, his business partners, and, together with Robert Lloyd, the only men he trusted. Their bond was unbreakable, and it was that kind of connection that made them so impenetrable.

That also explained why when Robert decided to give up his earthly possessions to live off the land, where exactly, they had no idea, and made Benjamin, David, and Jackson his little sister’s guardians.

They didn’t even hesitate to take on the role because they considered her their sister too and would die protecting her. As their families’ only sons, it seemed natural they would step in as Paisley’s brothers the same way Robert was to her. They’d known her her whole life.

She followed them around relentlessly when she was just a kid and insisted that she was one of the boys. One of them. She believed all it would take was her wearing jeans and one of Robert’s t-shirts with her long hair tugged under a baseball cap.

Of course, they all four shouted at her for getting herself hurt while they tended to her injuries at the same time. It was an instinctive protected response because ten-year-old Paisley Lloyd, crying her heart out after she fell off her bike, or out of her tree house, or grazed her knees tripping over thin air, tore them to pieces.

Then she went away for school and grew up. They saw her for her dad’s funeral when she was seventeen and a half, and she sobbed into their chests while they held her the whole time.

And then, fuck, Robert got it into his head to go off-grid and passed on to them the role of being her guardians. Their job was to vet any potential husband of hers to ensure he was truly in love with her and not just her cat—the bejeweled Lloyd family heirloom worth several hundred million dollars.

She’d been nineteen then and flew home from Washington, where she was attending a rally of some sort, in an utter rage that Robert had made them her guardians. And suddenly she was nothing like the tomboy who worshipped them when she was growing up.

But one fucking look at her, furious as hell that they had the legal right to control her, and they decided she was never going to get married. Ever. There wasn’t a single man in the whole fucking world who was going to touch her or fuck her whenever he wanted. If they couldn’t find any dirt on her potential husband, they were going to make shit up. They didn’t care how unhinged their stance was.

It was a severe case of if they couldn’t have her, no one else in the world could have her. She didn’t know, but she was going to get old with only her cat as company. They didn’t fucking care.

But so began the worst fucking case of blue balls known to mankind because she was completely untouchable and 100% off limits. She was their best friend’s little sister. She used to tell everyone she had four brothers and named them too. They were not going to touch her, even if their lives depended on it. She had better get used to the idea of never getting married. It was really only going to be her, her cat, and them making sure that no one touched her. They were quite happy with that arrangement.

But she wasn’t happy about it at all.

Hardly a week went by without her reminding them how much she hated that they had so much say and control over her life.

And the angrier she became, the harder it was not to take her. Brand her body with their ownership for life. Fill the sweet spot between her legs with their cum until it leaked down her legs, and then they’d make her scoop it up and push it back inside her pussy where it belonged. The things they wanted to do to her were dirty, filthy, and obscene, but in their minds, it was the only way to own her—to possess her so that she knew with zero doubt who she belonged to.

She just had no idea how hard it was to keep their hands off her. The amount of willpower they spent every single second of every day trying not to take what was theirs. She had no idea what absolute torture it was for them when their entire existence was taking what they wanted but not being able to take her.

And now this?

What the fuck was she up to? But more to the point, this changed fucking everything for them. For them all three. That was the other thing she’d managed to do by just existing.

She made all three of them fall for her like they had never done before for any woman in their whole lives. They hadn’t touched another woman in three years, not since they became her guardians. She thought they did nothing but fuck around with different women every night. They didn’t try to rectify her perception.

But again, what was she doing?