Because eww.

She would sooner take up nunnery as a career than think of them that way. Eww again.

Taking a break from furious note-taking on her phone, she used the bathroom and again simply changed her utterly drenched panties for a clean set before she resumed working on her plan of ultimate vengeance. She thought of her wet underwear as hazards of the planning phase, meant to be endured.

But, gosh, she was smart.

At the end of it all, Benjamin, David, and Jackson would be hit so hard that no amount of bleach would be able to unsee what she planned to show them. Their downfall was going to be epic. She was going to change them into veritable saints. And then she was going to work on getting Hannah back.

She resumed typing on her phone, her fingers flying across her screen. She was nothing if not methodical, and soon she had a to-do list, a course of action, and a simple mission statement. Obliterate them. Completely.

First, she needed another phone. One of those burner phones that would help conceal her identity. And while she was out getting a new phone, she also planned to make a stop at The Lush Blush Lounge, not that she had ever shopped there before.

She preferred durable, breathable, comfortable cotton, and nothing was going to change her mind, but for the purpose of her Take Them Down project, she was going to make her first trip there.

The best part of her wicked master plan was that it was going to be sweet, short, and over before she knew it, with minimal damage on her part. She was going into the dark side here, so she didn’t want to dwell there longer than she needed.

She made a second trip to the mall for the day. Getting the phone was easy. Getting stuff from The Lush Blush Lounge took a little more time. In the end, she gathered up a handful of things and just paid for them. It didn’t even matter if nothing fitted her properly; it wasn’t as if she was actually going to wear them. No. Eww. She was just going to take pictures of them.

Back in her room for the second time that day, she sat at her desk and started her grand plan of full annihilation.

A sliver of guilt rode up her spine as she envisioned her plan in action. But if she really looked at it from a different angle, she was actually doing them a favor. It was a teachable moment for them, and they were going to be better people for it. It was a good thing, and just like that, her guilt dissipated.

She decided to use the image of a black rose, which she bought from a royalty-free site, as her profile picture instead of a real model. She needed to keep the mystery up at all costs because intrigue was what was going to send them her way.

Using her own phone to get their private phone numbers, she invited them to a group chat on her new phone. Her username was The Black Rose—enough to evoke some intrigue, definitely. And then she waited. And waited and waited.

Did they never look at their freaking phones? She fell asleep waiting since she’d stayed up all night reading, and when she woke up in a hurry a few hours later and checked the burner phone, there was still nothing from them.

Her whole plan rested on them accepting her invitation.

What the fuck?

Maybe she was being too cryptic? She couldn’t even ask Jesse for advice because the poor woman had a billion errands to run. Paisley was on her own.

But maybe she should have gone with a pair of panties as her profile picture. And a better profile name. Like, I Like Big Dicks or something like that. Oh gosh, I Like Big Dicks would have done the trick; it spoke directly to their ego. Why hadn’t she thought of it before?

It wasn’t too late. She sat up in her bed and quickly changed her username before she scrambled out from under the covers, rummaged through the bag of lingerie she had bought from The Lush Blush Lounge, and picked out a pair of red lace panties that were so sparse they slipped between her open fingers. She took a few pictures of it, but something felt off.

If she wanted this to work, she had to make it as authentic as possible. Their phones probably blew up with messages like this on the daily. No wonder they hadn’t yet accepted her invite.

She hesitated for one full minute before she pulled off the pajama bottoms she had changed into when she got back from the mall for the second time, spent a few minutes deciding which way the underwear went, and then stepped into them.

Once she adjusted the flimsy fabric over her pussy and the string comfortably between her ass cheeks, she looked at herself in the mirror and thought she looked quite all right. She picked up her phone and took a couple of pictures of the lower part of her body, but the angles were off.

She glanced around her room, decided to lay on her bed, flat on her back, then held the phone up over the lower part of her body and took a picture. She immediately checked it for any telltale signs that might make them suspicious about who their mystery girl was. But she had zoomed in only on the part of her body to show off the pair of red panties and that was all that would fill the screen.

It would have to do.

Without missing a beat, she uploaded the new picture and waited again.

Always somewhat practical, she decided to give them a day to respond; if they didn't, it would be back to the drawing board for her. She was not giving up on this.

She’d done her due diligence. Gathered her information and educated herself on sexting as well. Okay, she blitzed her way through maybe five articles on how to sext like a porn star, and she’d gotten enough of the hang of it to pull it off.

And she had read two and a half ‘why choose’ romances since Hannah had decided she’d fallen in love with all three of them and wanted all three of them, but also it was a case of taking down three guardians with one bout of sexting. She had other things to do, so she didn’t have the time to do them one at a time. It was all or nothing.

Soon their balls were going to be in her court, and she couldn’t wait to say gotcha and watch them squirm uncomfortably before they incinerated right before her eyes.