And then it hit her. A full-fledged plan, utterly vivid, exploded in her head.

“What are you thinking?”

Paisley grabbed her bag and rushed toward the door.

“Where are you going? Also, maybe this is a good time to ask what the hell happened to your skirt?”

Shit. Her skirt. She did a full swing around when she remembered the condition of her skirt.

“No time to explain, but I’m going to the bookstore,” she said as she raced to her closet and pulled out another skirt. She thought better of her choice, then snagged a neon pink mini skirt that barely covered her ass just because she could, and no one could tell her otherwise. Certainly not Benjamin, David, or Jackson.

“In that?" Jesse asked incredulously, pointing at her skirt. "Never mind. What for? I’m coming with you.”

“You can’t. You have to leave to take Maddy to ballet practice,” Paisley reminded her. She knew Jesse's kids' schedule probably better than Jesse herself.

“Crap. Okay, tell me what you’re going to do in thirty seconds or less.”

“Jesse, this is the kind of evil one can’t explain. One must witness its genius unfold with patience and the naked eye.”

“Well, you better not start it without me,” Jesse called as Paisley raced down the stairwell.

Twenty minutes later, she walked into a bookstore and located the romance aisle. It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for and before long she had a stack of books in her arms.

She managed to pick up a bag of chocolate-coated nuts and a bag of Skittles from a somewhat modest sweet stand she passed on her way to the cashier then paid for her books and the snacks.

She strictly read psychological thrillers and horrors, the more gruesome and macabre the better so she definitely needed some sugar tidbits not to fall asleep from boredom while she read these books since she needed to be awake and alert for this part if she wanted her plan to work.

It was imperative she came off completely authentic, word for word. She had to remember who she was messing with, world-class hound dogs that they were.

Back in her bedroom again, she slipped out of her heels and lay down on the bed.

And so it begins.

Chapter Five

Tomorrow she was going to go on a diet, Paisley decided. Only healthy food and kale and stuff, but not today, she mused as she chewed on a handful of Skittles, opened one of the books she had bought, and started to read.

God help her, she hoped she didn’t fall asleep before she got to the second page. Romance was not her thing.

One hour into it, only half of the bag of Skittles had been eaten, and the chocolate-coated nuts remained unopened, but she found her eyes growing so wide that they felt as if they had taken up her whole face.

At some point, her brain told her to turn the book sideways, as if she could better understand what, no, how the characters were able to do what they were doing. By the time she turned the last page of the book, she was convinced all heroines were contortionists by design, and she wasn’t changing her mind about that.

Not giving herself any time to ponder the flexibility of the fictional female character with a more in-depth focus, she dived into the sack of books and pulled out the first one she touched. Without missing a beat, she started reading again. And didn’t stop until the moon slipped into the sky, and then the sun came out and the moon disappeared to the other side of the world.

Oh, this was good. No, this was excellent. This was exactly what she needed.

Her diabolical plan was so going to work. Jesse had seen nothing yet, and if she thought Paisley was evil before, she was going to add mega to the epithet by the time Paisley was done.

More confident now that she was armed with how things worked, she whipped out her phone and started to make notes. It was official that by the time she read through each book in her stockpile, she was going to be a pro.

She was so excited that she’d come up with such a freaking brilliant comeback for them, completely ruining her friend and ending a friendship that should have been made in BFF heaven, that she was completely unfazed by the things happening to her body.

She quickly brushed aside the fact that her limbs felt so tight that she didn’t dare release her breath in case she cracked in half. And that her breasts were so heavy, her nipples so incredibly hard, that when she reached out and squeezed her boob, a sharp breath escaped her lips and blood rushed to her clit.

If she had to pick a phrase, she would say she was turned on by reading those romances, but she quickly snapped out of it because if she was turned on by reading with the sole purpose of exacting revenge on her three guardians, it meant in some tiny crazy part of her brain she was imagining that it was them doing those things to her what the heroes were doing to the heroine in those books.
