So yes, she could very well come up with a scheme to blackmail them again into dating Hannah. But then what? They’d date her for a little bit and then dump her. They weren’t crowned World’s Most Infamous Bachelors for nothing according to that article online from Tabloid Tantalizers. If Hannah was just infatuated with them now, would she fall in true love with them if they dated her? And what would happen when they dumped her? Her friendship with Hannah would be blown to smithereens, never to be revived. Not ever.

A knock on her bedroom door interrupted her train of thought. A moment later, a mop of red curls peeked in from the door, and in stepped Paisley’s neighbor, Jesse Hartfield.

“Hey you,” Jesse said before her bright smile turned into a grinning frown. “What did they do now?” she asked, coming into the bedroom.

Even Jesse Hartfield knew Paisley only had three problems in her life. Benjamin. David. Jackson. Jesse had moved into the house next door to the Lloyds about three years ago. She would have made a fantastic full-time BFF, but she was married with five young children and a sixth on the way—she wasn’t showing yet—and took herself out of the running of BFF because she thought Paisley needed a girl she could go clubbing with, get laid by hot guys, and sneak in at 8 a.m. in the same clothes from the night before. Jesse couldn’t do that with a husband, 5.25 kids, a mortgage, a mother-in-law from hell, and some medical issues she described with in-depth detail.

“They turned Hannah."

“No,” Jesse said, full of shock. “Not Hannah. She was solid.”

“I know,” Paisley pouted.

“I’m sorry, kiddo,” Jesse said with a sad smile on her face as she hugged Paisley. "I'll bake you some cupcakes, all right? Then we’ll look for another potential BFF.”

“It’s fine. Do you know why? Because I am going to get back at them.”



That was the answer.

Cutting their ties gave her some pleasure, but it was not nearly enough. She had to take a higher degree of revenge on them for breaking her new friend and ruining Paisley’s friendship with her.

“Ooh, what are you planning?”

“Not sure yet,” Paisley said, her eyes narrowing as her mind percolated with scenarios that involved keying their prized cars, burning all their suits, and letting the world know they were secretly furries. But none of those things appealed to her.

She continued to churn out more ideas in her head until one idea after another played out before her like a movie.

“I’m going to put itchy powder in their underwear drawer and laugh at the sight they’d make as they try to scratch their balls at a meeting. No. I’m going to shave their eyebrows while they sleep. No. Put shaving foam in their shoes. Argh. Boring.

“Oh, I’m going to paint their bedrooms pink and fill each of their rooms with life-size sex dolls while they are at work. Or... I’m going to adopt a couple of goats and have them live inside the house with us. That’ll teach them.”

“Good one,” Jesse encouraged.

Because yes. They lived with her. As in, they moved into the pretty five-bedroom manor-style house that Paisley loved so much. Why? Those were the conditions of Robert’s contract; she had inherited live-in guardians, except she had to go and live with them in their kazillion-bedroom obscene mansion, so they could watch her and her cat’s every move.

When she stubbornly refused, they just moved in with her. Thank goodness they only seemed to do two things: work and, well... sleep with women. They usually came in very late or early in the morning, so it was obvious they had spent the night in the flavor of the day’s bed. She didn’t care.

“No. Those are just pranks,” she said, frustrated. “I need something that would make them sit up and think. Yes, that’s it. I need to teach them a lesson. One they’re never going to forget. They need to be taught a lesson, Jesse. A thorough, intimate lesson so resounding that it would change how they think. A lesson so diabolic that they’d need therapy to get over it.”

“Wow,” Jesse murmured, her eyes following Paisley as she paced up and down, tapping her lip with her index finger as she dug deep into her mind. She was smart; surely, she could come up with something that would really, truly fit the crime they committed, which was to break her friend and essentially end their friendship.

A smile blossomed on her cheeks. She may be onto something now.

“What if I successfully manage to lure them to an island and then leave them stranded for a good month with nothing but their wits on hand to fend for themselves? In those kinds of circumstances, how could they not start to question their life choices? And then, when I think they’ve evolved enough, I’ll come back and rescue them, and they will be changed men.”

"Oh, my god. Wow, you little psycho, you. You’re completely evil, Paisley,” Jess said with that frown and grin combo she did on her face.

“I’m just motivated. But no. I need something spectacular. Marooning them on an island is a good idea,” she said, patting herself on the back for being so inventive. “But I need something more... damning.”

“I should have cleared my day and brought popcorn if I knew I was going to see this unfold,” Jesse said with a teasing lilt to her voice.

Paisley resumed pacing the length of her bedroom.

Something damning...