“It’s just you, the woods, and us, pretty girl.”

"Oh, my god. It finally happened. You lost all touch with reality, you—”


Her words died on her lips as they started to move around her now that she was fully and inescapably bound to the bench by these utterly deranged madmen.

But there was something in the way they were looking at her. The curve of her back, the dip of her spine, and the roundness of her ass. She even felt their gaze on her naked feet, her shoes long discarded.

Their eyes traveled with deep, dark, penetrating intensity all over her. She shivered, and every part of her became flushed with a deviant crimson. Her nipples, which had been painfully hard before, now throbbed with such agony that what she thought was a wince sounded like a moan in her ear.

Benjamin slowly unbuckled his belt and pulled the leather through the loops of his jeans.

Her mind exploded. Her heart missed a beat. A pool of wetness gathered in the entrance of her pussy and she sucked in her stomach and clenched the muscles of her womb to keep the droplets of liquid from dripping out of her.

Dear god.

She lowered her head in shame. She wasn’t supposed to feel this way. She wasn’t supposed to acknowledge the agony in her nipples or the ache in her clit.

She closed her eyes and told herself they were just messing with her. Trying to turn the tables on her for tricking them.

“What was the first thing we said we were going to do to her?”

“Strip off her clothes.”

“Then we’d put her on a bench and strap her down.”

“And then spank her for being such a naughty fucking girl, for showing us her sweet pussy when we were at work and then making us so hard we couldn’t think straight after that.”

“I didn’t...” she began hoarsely. She didn’t show them her pussy. She was wearing panties.

“Oh, but those panties you were wearing were so thin; if you opened your legs just a little, we would have been able to see everything.”

“Okay, fine. You got me. You can untie me now. You got your point across.” She jerked at the rope on her wrists, but she was bound so securely that only they could untie her. “Untie me now, please. You had your fun. Consider us even now.”

The first strike, when it landed on her ass, actually felt like a dash of heat from a strap of leather. The first few seconds were almost pleasant as the sensation tingled against her skin. But that didn’t last long. The sweet heat penetrated deeper into the layers of her skin, and her nerves caught fire, and suddenly she was on fire. A different kind of fire that she felt in the roots of her hair and the tips of her toes.

She tried to analyze the feeling, but Benjamin was there to deliver the second one, and this time, there was no grace period. By the third, everything else around her stood still, and all she could feel was the blatant sting of being spanked. After the fourth, she lost count.

The leather of Benjamin’s belt inched deeper and deeper into her skin with every lash, creating a cacophony of chaos that both agonized her and thrilled her. She didn’t know where her pain ended and her pleasure began.

Wetness flooded the entrance of her pussy and no amount of clenching could stop the embarrassing drizzle from rolling down her thighs. Her scent permeated the air around her, and blood reddened her cheeks in sheer and shameful embarrassment.

The tremors in her body reached the depths of her soul. Her clit pulsed with such a frenzy that she hissed in frustration as she tried to squeeze her thighs together.

The pressure in her womb, the thickening of the walls of her pussy, her body in such a state of needy duress that everything happening to her made her want to cry out just one word.

Dear god, she was going to die if they didn’t touch her. Part of her mind wanted her to remain sane. They were just messing with her. If she begged them to touch her, that would be their gotcha moment. And she would never recover from it. Not ever.

Yet all she thought about was what they said next in their text.

We’d spank your ass so hard your sexy flesh will turn crimson, and you’ll be begging us to suck the cum just hovering at the entrance of your sweet, pretty cunt...

“Beg, Paisley.”

She startled at the sight of Jackson on his haunches in front of her. He removed the band from her hair, and her tresses tumbled down over her face. He threaded his hand through her hair and made her look up at him.

Jackson reached his hand between her legs and placed his fingers against her heated, virgin pussy. She shook uncontrollably. She started to sway her body—anything for her clit to rub against his fingers. She could hear the sound of her wetness against his fingers as he stroked her folds. She was going to come.