Page 122 of Stolen Crown

If I failed now, the monster folk would get killed. My friends would be captured by Lugh.

Dearen met my gaze across the battlement. He was holding his hand up to his chest, his eyes looked hazy.

He could not help.

But conjuring required imagination above all else. And seeing Dearen reminded me of his favorite conjuring material.

Stone. A stone wall, protecting us all...

I imagined it with all my remaining strength. My mind went blank and my nails dug little holes inside my palms as I focused.

I inhaled the fresh air.

Blood drizzled out of my clenched fists.

I exhaled.

A huge dome of rock appeared above and around us.

The sounds of battle went away, together with the light.

The dome cocooned us.

It protected us.

They would break in eventually, but we had a moment, for now.

The light crafters among the monster folk illuminated the darkness underneath the dome.

You did it! Jasmine’s voice was full of hope as it rang inside my mind. We can get away.

“The portalers are here!” someone shouted.

The puddle in the courtyard started to shimmer as soon as that announcement was made. The portal opened. The monster folk cheered despite their battle weariness.

The soldiers outside started attacking my wall right then. Pieces of stone fell off the wall, but the portal was open already.

Jump! Jasmine’s voice echoed in my mind.

The monster folk jumped. The light crafters remained still until the others were gone, but Jasmine wanted to be the last one to go and I would not leave her behind.

We watched them jump in, life fireflies they disappeared one by one.

Darkness came back when the light crafters went.

“Let’s go,” Jasmine said, taking my hand.

She pulled me to the edge of the battlement.

We jumped into the portal, together.

Bright sunlight and cold water welcomed us on the other side. We found ourselves in a lake.

The monster folk cheered as their leader emerged out of the cold water. I turned and saw Jasmine beside me, swimming safely as the portal closed behind us.

Relief washed over me.

We were safe.