Page 113 of Stolen Crown

Cari awaited within my mind but did not interfere with the conversation. She let Lady Queill speak but I knew that Lady Queill would not be able to control me. I could feel her trying, but she couldn’t even make a dent in my free will, not with Cari’s protection.

Surrender now, Lady Queill finally said. And I’ll persuade the king to spare your friends and sister.

I ignored the mentioning of Fiona. Lady Queill didn’t know that Orla was still alive. Fiona would escape as soon as she heard about our capture. Or so I hoped.

Her army lined up behind her as we stared at each other.

And the prisoners? I asked.

They will not be harmed, she said. But if you fight, I’ll kill every single one of them. We can always replace their families.

That was a lie. I did not need mind magic to know that for certain.

Wouldn’t that be in my favor? I asked, trying to hide my disdain at the thought from her. Cari was still here, listening in. I hoped she would help me trick the woman. Killing them off will turn everyone against Lugh.

You will be long dead when that happens, she replied.

You enjoy that thought? I asked.

She made me feel it, instead of responding. Her hate was impressive. She imagined me dying in utter pain.

Why? I asked.

Instead of responding, she laughed. But then, as abruptly as it had begun, her laughter died.

For a moment, I could not comprehend what had changed. Then, I heard Cari.

It’s because she is a spy to the Queen of Light, Cari said, her voice carrying an edge I hadn’t heard for a while. Isn’t that so, Lady Queill?

I could no longer feel Lady Queill inside my mind, but I saw her expression change from the distance. She had just severed the connection between us and was turning around to give out an order.

I was stalling her, I told Cari.

I know, Cari said. But she was stalling you too.

I saw the banner of the elite battalion from afar. Normally, they would ride their horses right behind the first infantry to meet the initial attack. But apparently, they were late.

The elite battalion would have tempestarii among their ranks. They would meet Casja’s attacks, preventing her from taking on large groups with a single blow.

Thank you, I said to Cari as I cursed myself for not realizing it.

“Now!” I told Casja and as soon as the word slipped from my mouth, the winds shifted.

On the other side, I felt the elite unit preparing as well. They moved like puppets, unable to look natural even as they took a few steps to stand near the edge of the battlement. Cari left my mind to direct them.

“Make sure to get Queill,” I turned to Casja to whisper.

Her expression shocked me. She was full of hate, and all of it was directed at Lady Queill.

“I will do my best,” she said through gritted teeth.

The sudden drop in temperature had already become a usual sensation that I closely associated with Casja. But this time, the sky became darker. It was a slow change, but I felt it at my core as the dark clouds forming right above the moat billowed outward into the direction the army came from.

The winds picked up their pace, whipping against the trees in the distance silently.

Casja did not stir or say anything, but the storm formed as she wished it. Lightning crackled above the dark clouds, forming a bright sheet that made the army look pale in comparison.

Then, thunder boomed, the clouds came down, and the army could not respond in time.