Page 46 of Tainted Souls

I hadn’t told them that I was slowly turning into a monster.

That would come out soon enough. And when it did, I wasn’t sure if Kieran would believe that it was the dark-eyed girl who was forcing me to hide the rising monstrosity in me. And once he knew, he would have every right not to ever trust me again.

I tried to keep that thought away. The dark-eyed girl suggested making me forget about it, but I ignored her, and I kept my ears open as I gathered dried pieces of broken branches off the forest ground.

The night was quickly settling. I had to hurry, but forests in the in-between realms were old and unused. There were many branches scattered through the ground, and although it had been an obstacle riding our horses on paths full of branches, now, it was a luxury. I used the evening light to gather the wood.

Toward the end, I even managed to push Kieran’s words to the back of my mind. I would have plenty of time to go over them later.

When I returned to our camp, it was getting late. The sun had gone down, taking away the last light of the day with it.

I stood at the edge of the camp. The first thing that I noticed was the lack of something. I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but then I realized.

The camp was silent. And my friends were not around the fire anymore.

It took me a moment to spot them. They were in the dark, so I had to wait for my eyes to adjust. Finally, I saw that everyone was gathered around Brigid on the other side of the camp. They were in the shadow, silent and immobile.

Their backs were turned to me, and although Brigid was sitting up, fear took hold of me.

“What happened?” I dropped the firewood at the edge of the woods and ran toward them. My anxiousness had taken over the little semblance of peace I’d managed to keep inside. Something was wrong. They were all just sitting there, staring out into the darkness.

“Nothing,” Fiona looked at me over her shoulder. Her hand was on Brigid’s knee assuringly. “She just...”

She hesitated. Her brows raised with doubt.

“What?” I asked, not waiting for an answer but hurrying to see Brigid’s face.

As I got in front of her, all I could think was that I had messed up again. Something was wrong with my friend, and it had to be the healing I’d done. In my inexperience, I had messed with her body, and now she was...

Brigid met my gaze as soon as I walked by them and stood in front of her. She was smiling. Although she was in the dark and I could not see the details of her face, I noticed that her eyes were wide open.

“I can see,” she said.

I was confused. Although she was smiling, there was a crazy look in her eyes that scared me.

“I know you can,” I replied calmingly.

“No,” Brigid shook her head. “I can see in the night.”

“What?” I asked.

“I can see,” Brigid repeated, darting her eyes off me. She was looking into the night. “I can see everything.”

She kept staring into the dark forest behind me, her eyes wandering over the trees and everything that hid in the shadows.

“I can see it all.”