Page 30 of Tainted Souls

It did not take long for Brigid to return to her own mind after I was done with the swelling of her brain.

She was here again. I could feel it even before she stirred.

“Jasmine?” She whispered, almost as if she was speaking in her sleep. “Is that you?”

I pulled my touch from her.

“Yes,” I replied. “You’re fine.”

“I feel fine,” she replied, “the hurt is gone and...”

But she could not finish her sentence. When Brigid opened her eyes for a second, she immediately shrieked and closed them back.

“What is it?” I asked, concerned that I’d just hurt my friend.

“It hurts,” she replied. “The light...”

“Oh,” I replied, reaching with my touch again to fix whatever was wrong with her.

It would be easy. I could do it. I knew I could.

I found the breach I had mended. The connections were more robust than before, and I realized I had connected them too tightly. That nerve wasn’t supposed to touch that other nerve. I reached to sever the connection once again so I could mend it again.

Stop it, the girl said, and I felt her pulling away her influence.

As soon as the dark-eyed girl stopped messing with my mind as I instructed her to, my fear returned.

I stopped. I pulled away from Brigid once again.

“I’m sorry,” I replied. “I healed the wound on your head. But I might have done something wrong.”

Brigid did not reply. Her eyes were closed shut, and her chest rapidly moved up and down. Did she fear me? I did not know.

“They’re here!” Dearen’s shout came from the woods, saving me from having to think about what I’d done and what my friend felt about me.

As he stepped into the little clearing Brigid and I were on, I looked up. Behind him, Fiona and Kieran followed while pulling the reins on their and our horses.

“Is she okay?” Dearen asked, his gaze fixated on Brigid’s closed eyes. The worry in him was apparent.

“I am,” Brigid replied without opening her eyes.

“I healed her,” I replied. “The wound on her head was making her unconscious. But I think I did something wrong.”

They stared down at me.

They didn’t know you have healing magic, the girl said.

“You healed her?” Kieran asked suspiciously.

“I have healing magic,” I said. “I had it when I was little, and my stepmother took it away by force. The dark-eyed girl pulled the memory from me, and Orla gave me a tea to drink so that I would regain my powers. Brigid’s brain was swelling. I thought I had to use my power, but I think I might have hurt her even more.”

Do you think speaking quickly will make them forget that you hid something from them again? The girl said.

Please be quiet, I replied.

“You did what you had to do,” Fiona replied, jumping off her horse to get on her knees beside Brigid to check up on her. “She would have died if you hadn’t intervened.”

She was staring at the blood still wet on Brigid’s face.