Page 134 of Tainted Souls

Gethin stopped abruptly.

He turned to me.

“I am not a monster,” he said. “I didn’t do anything.”

“I know,” I told him as I quickly closed the distance between us. “You are not a monster.”

He nodded. I knew he believed in me.

“I want to wake up,” he said.

I must have been waiting for him to say that. As soon as he did, my grasp on his mind tightened.

It wasn’t just mind magic. I knew it now.

He needed to understand and heal. He had understood why he had become a monster. He had accepted the fact that it wasn’t his fault.

And now, he needed healing.

I touched his mind with my mind magic, and as though I’d done it a hundred times before, I found the twisted part of him.

My healing magic swelled in me.

It was easy to spot where he was hurt. I knew what had transformed him. I could see where the queen’s twisted magic had touched him.

We were still in the druid place. The others were transforming quickly. The well we had broken was still intact, shimmering with the magic that the queen used against the champions.

I put my hand on Gethin’s shoulder. He was not a monster.

His mind helped me find all the points of darkness that the queen’s magic had put in him. The taint had spread over the years, but once I dealt with the source, the rest disappeared with Gethin’s help.

He did not stop me, even after he started to change the memory by shifting back to his fae form. I saw the pain in him, the pain that wasn’t only his.

“What did you do?” He asked as I released my grip on his shoulder.

He was standing before me as a man untainted by the magic of the queen. The memory was no longer the truth, but we were still in it.

“The queen’s magic connects you,” I said to him as I turned to the other candidates. Their transformation had stopped too, but this wasn’t real. It was only a memory. Gethin had just changed it because of my meddling.

“It does?” He asked.

The well shimmered brightly. We had destroyed that well ten years after Gethin had been inflicted by the queen. It could not be here, but as I went to it, the stone touching my fingers felt as real as it could be.

“What are you doing?” Gethin spoke behind me as I put both hands on the well's edges and looked inside.

“She left a trail,” I said. “I can follow it.”

“Follow it where?” Gethin asked.

“To the others,” I replied, looking over my shoulder to smile at him. “I can change all of them back.”

It was the truth. I could feel it deep within me. The queen had left a trail connecting all the monsters that roamed the realms. They were connected with her dark magic.

The trail went into the well. The queen’s twisted tendrils reached into the minds of the hundreds of monsters she had created. They hurt and ached and forgot all that needed to be remembered.

Their minds were like bright lights amidst the darkness of her doing. Their pain was multiplied by her hate. The darkness branched off in every direction, reaching over the realms.

Above me, the memory-sky broke into two. Light and dark came down, drowning everything around us as the memory shifted.