Page 104 of Tainted Souls

The Silver Lady had the power of illusion. I knew she did. She had used it to save herself at the trials. The story was told often enough that I had no trouble remembering it.

She had used her power of illusion to hide from the vicious Unseelie. She could make herself invisible; that was how she had survived the trials when no others returned.

As my vision changed my memory, I knew what had happened.

Lady Cara must have used that same power to kill Master Leo. She had hidden herself, becoming invisible as she sent that arrow to him.

I remembered the moment clearly now... Upon seeing me, the illusion had failed for an instant, allowing me to see her shape for a split second before she regained her invisibility.

She gave me a firm nod as my chest tightened with doubt. The vision I had was clear in its meaning. Seeing her was the catalyst for it.

As she quickly moved past me as went to the door leading outside the queen’s quarters, I watched her.

It did not make sense.

Why would the Silver Lady, the hero of the trials, murder Master Leo like an assassin?

“Feremir!” The Queen of Light called out for me from inside the room. I had been staring at the door that had already closed behind Lady Cara, shock rising in me as my hands felt cold. I turned to her voice and saw her. “Come in!”

She seemed oddly excited. Her usual elegance had gone away as she waved me into the room.

I didn’t have a choice. There were others in the room; two soldiers who still had their swords with them despite being in the queen's presence, two masters. One I recognized as Master Frin from the divination guild. The other wore the sigil of the portalers, but I did not know his name. There were standing before a large mirror, wide enough for a horse-drawn carriage to pass through. The queen smiled at me as I walked into the room.

“I was about to call you,” the queen said. “What a twist of fate you decided to visit me just when I needed you.”

She cocked her head at me as though she wanted me to explain why I had come in before she called me.

“I had a vision telling me you wished to see me.”

The lie came out of me so quickly that even I was surprised at how genuine I sounded. The Queen of Light did not doubt me even for a second. Her eyes shone brightly with pride as she turned to Master Frin.

“You see?” She said. “Feremir is very talented for his age. You should accept him into your guild at once.”

“Yes, my queen,” Master Frin said.

“Feremir,” the queen turned to me. “Go stand with Master Frin. I might need your help with the ball.”

She waved at the divination ball, which was placed on top of a pedestal in front of Master Frin.

“Yes, my queen,” I bowed.

The queen seemed unlike herself tonight. She was tapping her foot on the ground as if she eagerly waited for something to happen. She glanced at the large mirror that looked odd in the middle of her room.

“Are we going somewhere, my queen?” I found the courage to ask only after I went to stand with Master Frin.

I felt him tensing beside me as the queen turned to me. Her lips twitched as though she would reprimand me for speaking out, but then she smiled again.

“No,” she replied. “I wanted to tell you before, but I did not want to give you false hope. Feremir,” she paused dramatically, “we found your sister.”

It was the last thing I’d expected. My chest tightened as I stared at the queen. So the brightness in her eyes was caused by the hope that she was going to help me. She had found Jasmine, and now we...

Lady Cara had been in her room. I had to force myself to remember what that meant as my heart attempted to warm. Still, doubt rose in me.

Perhaps the queen didn’t know what Lady Cara had done. Perhaps the Silver Lady had tricked us all into believing her.

“You did?” I asked.

“Yes,” the queen did not hear my hesitation. “See for yourself.”

She gestured at master portaler. He acknowledged her order with a bow and raised his hands. The reflection on the mirror started shimmering before it gave way to the portal magic. I had seen someone opening a portal before, but the size of this mirror was impressive. For a second, all I could do was stare at the mirror.

I realized that I had not told the queen what Aislinn had done.