Page 140 of Tainted Souls

“We know the story,” Dearen said. “We were all there.”

“How can you open a portal?” Cari asked. “We broke all the mirrors.”

“Water?” He asked. “Do you have water?”

Brigid went to him and offered him her waterskin. Gethin took it without looking at her and poured it on the ground. He had done it casually as though it was nothing, but we all knew that creating portals from puddles was advanced portal magic.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked.

“Somewhere safe,” I told him. “Far away from the queen and...” It pained me to say what needed to come next “...the Unseelie Kingdom. We won’t be safe in either realm.”

“So we’ll stay in between,” Gethin said, his expression serious. “I can take us.”

He moved his hand slightly, and the water on the ground started to shimmer. Soon, we could no longer see the grass underneath. We were looking down into the sky.

“You go in first,” Cari said.

Gethin did not hesitate. He pushed himself away from Dearen and stepped onto the portal. He disappeared, but we saw him amidst the sky once he reached the other side. He stood tall, waiting for us to join him.

“I should go before you," Dearen said to me.

I nodded. Jasmine was still in my arms, sleeping soundly or slowly walking into her death. I could not risk stepping into danger with her.

Dearen would make sure we did not.

He stepped on the portal next. He appeared on the other side, and after looking around for a few seconds, he gave us the sign.

Brigid took a step forward with no hesitation. She entered the portal and appeared on the other side, and just like Dearen, her expression softened.

When only Cari and I stayed behind, I met her gaze.

“Go ahead,” I told her.

“I can’t hear your thoughts,” she said, cocking her head at me. “It means I don’t trust you.”

“Likewise,” I told her.

She smiled. Then, she stepped into the portal and disappeared like the others.

I looked down at Jasmine.

She wasn’t safe here.

And I needed her to be safe.