Page 128 of Tainted Souls

Unlike water elementals who needed water to control it, Tempestarii could create rain from nothing. I had never done it before, not even when it could save my life, but as the gentle drops dampened my skin, I could feel the connection between me and the rain I had unwillingly created.

“Is this you crying?” Xira asked.

“It is,” I told her.

“Are you crying because you are afraid?” She asked.

“No,” I replied. “I think I’m crying because I’m worried. I’m worried for my friends. For you... For the realms... I... I don’t want bad things to happen to anyone good. I...” A slight crackle of lightning lit up the room briefly as I continued. “I am furious. This isn’t right. Lord Lugh shouldn’t get away with all the things he did. Everyone should know how vile he is... They said the Queen of Light has Kieran and Fiona. That means she got her hands on Jasmine, Brigid, and Dearen too. After they escaped the trials, it is not fair for them to meet their ends like this. It is... not right.”

“Casja?” Xira said, her voice taking on a frightened tone. “Are you...”

I could not respond. The magic in me swelled as the anger grew. It wasn’t right. We had done our best to help the fae in both realms. We had uncovered the plots they had spent years undertaking. We had revealed the secret behind the trials. And now... Were we all going to die as King Duncan had?


It wasn’t fair.

And when things aren’t fair, you don’t get to be scared.

The lightning rose from me and hit the wall between Xira and me. I knew it would not harm her, the lightning was a part of me, and it was the last thing I wanted to hurt the ones I loved.

The stones fell with the impact. Dust rose from the wreckage as the wall fell with a loud noise.

I felt strong. The years of fruitless studying had taught me how to use this new power that wasn’t actually new. I had wind, rain, and electricity with me. They were a part of me, yet they were free too.

“They’ll hear that,” I told Xira as I reached lightning and used it like a whip to burn the ropes around my ankles and wrists. It flashed brightly before I sent it away. “We should hurry.”

When I looked up, I saw Xira standing up. They hadn’t tied her up as they had me. They knew even before I did that I was the one who was too dangerous to put in a dungeon. But they were wrong to think that simple ropes could tie me down.

“Hurry, how?” Xira asked, quickly climbing over the rubble to enter my cell. “We are still locked in here.”

She was standing too close to me now. I did not think. I leaned toward her, and as though we were on a quiet stroll in the garden to bathe in moonlight, she responded quickly and with no hesitation.

As our lips touched, I felt the power in me surging. With no words, we both knew what we wanted.

I kissed her. Our lips barely touched at first, but then, she put her hand on my cheek and leaned into the kiss. I felt happiness swelling up in me despite our circumstances.

When we parted, we were both smiling. My pulse was racing, and I knew it wasn’t only because of the strong magical current in me.

“A strong wind will do,” I said. “Are you ready to leave?”

She nodded. “I’ll have to go to my family to tell them to leave before Lord Lugh’s men get to them. I—“

“I know,” I told her. “And I have to go and help my friends.”

Her smile did not falter. I liked her even more, knowing she did not think I had to abandon my friends to be with her.

“We will see each other again,” she said. “If we both survive... After the war—“

I heard footsteps. I was no longer afraid of a few guards, but I still did not want to hurt them as I let the whirlwind in me swell until my body could no longer contain it.

The magic did not touch us as the walls around us crumbled with the impact of the swirling wind. The ground shook but we were still as the whirlwind rose inside the little cell. But no room could contain nature.

Within seconds, the walls were no more. Fresh air filled the cell as the ceiling fell, creating a gap.

The whirlwind used an angle to escape the room, leaving behind a pile of rubble that we could climb to escape the dungeon.

We weren’t hurt. Xira and I stood close, holding hands as I destroyed everything blocking our path.