Page 91 of The Devil's Vice

The light flicks on, and I squint, trying to make out the features of the figure stalking toward me. As my eyes adjust to the light, I notice a thick metal mask cloaking the right half of his face.

My heart jumps. The naive part of my brain is convinced for a single moment that it’s Kain, that he’s here to rescue me like he has before. The man brings a hand up to the mask, and even before I see the angular features, I know it’s not him.

“Callum,” I whisper, my throat beginning to close. “Where am I?”

“That’s really not the question you should be asking.” He chuckles, tossing the mask to the side. It hits the far wall with a loud clunk, and I wince. “What you should be asking is—what do I want from you?” He takes a step toward me, silent as a cat.

“I don’t really want to know the answer,” I glower.

Callum stops and sucks his teeth. “Kain’s obviously gone soft. I’ll correct that attitude of yours, though.” His lips part with a snarl—or maybe it’s supposed to be a smile. “Don’t you worry.”

Yet I’m very, very worried.

“What do you want from me?” I ask, trying to distract him as my eyes dart around the square room, searching for an escape. Ghost said they weren’t going to kill me, but… I’m starting to think what’s about to happen to me could be worse than death.

Callum stops his advance, cocking his head to the side with a satisfied smile. “She listens.” His expression changes drastically, switching from amusement to rage in a heartbeat. “That’s disappointing. I was looking forward to correcting you.”

“What. Do. You. Want?” I repeat, trying to keep my voice level as I meet his hideous black eyes. “What’s going to happen to me?”

Callum’s lips spread in a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “What was supposed to happen long ago. Sell. You. Like fucking cattle. Like the useless hole you are.”

I spit. Right in his disgusting, evil face.

Callum rears back, the planes of his face twisting in rage as he sends the back of his hand across my face. I don’t have time to react before his hand is around my throat, squeezing so hard it feels like my eyes are going to pop out of my skull.

I claw at his skin, and though warm blood coats my fingers, Callum acts like he doesn’t notice. My feet leave the ground as he lifts me, staring into my eyes with a cruel black gaze as he continues to squeeze the life from me.

Just when darkness curls around the corner of my vision, Callum’s hand leaves my throat, and my body meets the floor. My knees scream as they connect with the concrete, but I can’t make a sound. I lie in the fetal position, gasping in huge lungfuls of air through my ragged windpipe, running through all the ways I’d like to hurt this man. Kill this man.

But all I can do is lie there, trying not to vomit as the beginnings of a panic attack take hold. Keep it together, Lillith. Stay strong. You have to stay strong. For Ghost. For Kain.

Callum’s barking laugh fills the small concrete room, and I shove to my knees, my fists raised against his next attack.

At the sight of my stance, Callum lets loose another shuddering laugh. His eyes rake over my body, and my skin crawls everywhere that black gaze touches.

I get ready for his advance, for that viselike grip to return to my neck. Instead, the door at Callum’s back creaks open, drawing his attention away from me at last.

“What?” he snaps, his tone indicating he might just kill whoever interrupted him, no matter the reason.

“There’s a… problem at the warehouse.” The man at the door sounds terrified, and I don’t blame him. Callum looks practically unhinged.

“What kind of problem?”

The man is silent, and Callum lets out a low hiss as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He takes a deep breath, no doubt trying to calm himself. “You’re not in trouble. Just tell me.”

The man takes a shaky breath. “Wesley… he’s dead.”

Callum’s spine goes deadly straight. “You’re sure?”

“Tracker went offline ten minutes ago. There’s only one thing that makes that happen.”

A heavy silence fills the room. Then Callum faces me, a cheery smile plastered on his face. “Well, I suppose we’ll have to finish this… later. Don’t go anywhere.” He laughs, causing a ball of rage to form in the pit of my stomach.

He pauses at the door, shooting me one last predatory glance over his shoulder before pulling it closed and locking me inside.

I collapse against the wall, unable to take my eyes off that door. Ghost told me to stay strong, to wait for Kain.

I’m just not sure how much time I have left.