Page 83 of The Devil's Vice

“Kain? You okay?”

“Not in the slightest.” I sigh, running a hand through my hair as she continues cleaning the wound. “You almost done? I really need to fuck you before I lose my mind.”

“There will be no sex until I get your stitches. I’m putting my foot down,” she grumbles.

I turn, my eyebrow raised at all five feet of her ferociousness. Even with her best efforts, there’s no way she can physically make me do something. Of course, I have no plans to deny her. Not now, not ever.

“I’ll get the sewing kit.”

After rinsing off, I step out of the tub and wrap a towel around my waist. A disgruntled noise sounds from the shower, and I can’t help but smile.

“You know, you can always take back what you said earlier.” I flash my teeth at her over my shoulder, loving the pretty shade of pink on her cheeks. “Be right back, flower.”

I grab the first-aid kit from under the sink and am about to head back to the bathroom when a bottle of Jack catches my eye. I take a swig directly from the mouth before returning to Lillith, bottle and all.

She eyes the dwindling fifth with a dubious look. “I’m assuming that’s not for cleaning.”

“It’s for both.” I shrug, pulling another mouthful. I place the kit on the counter before walking over and turning off the shower.

I shove the bottle at her as I grab a towel from the rack, and she raises her brow. “I don’t think I should be drinking when I’m about to stick a needle in you.”

“I wholly disagree.” I shake it, and she reluctantly takes it from my grip. “Plus, I need my hands free to dry you off.”

She shakes her head, then takes a careful sip as I rub the towel over her body. “God, this stuff is fucking awful.”

“You don’t drink it for taste, my love.” I shoot her a crooked grin as I begin drying the area between her thighs. “I thought you would know that, seeing as you’re a doctor and all.”

She shrugs, raising the bottle to her lips again. “Alcoholism doesn’t set in until your residency. Not that I have to worry about it anymore.”

My chest squeezes at her words. She could have done so much good if I stayed away and let the world experience her magic. It’s because of me. I’m the one who took her, who ripped her from her life. I can’t say I regret it—and that’s just another example of why I’m a terrible man.

Now that I know Lillith, it’s like discovering fate doesn’t exist; that the demon I’ve become didn’t have to be. In her eyes, I’m faced with everything I could have been—everything I should have been—and it’s fucking painful.

She’s everything I’m not. She’s so good, and I’ve stripped her of the option to extend that goodness, coveting it for myself like the selfish bastard I am. What’s even more disturbing is that it feels wrong for the first time in my life. So terribly, horribly wrong.

I’m a monster. Just like everyone has always said.

I shake my head. No. It doesn’t have to be like that anymore. I can do the right thing for once in my life. For the only person who’s ever truly deserved it.

At the look on my face, her eyes widen. “Kain, what’s wrong?”

“I’ll take you back,” I whisper, letting the towel slip from my fingers. “I’ve been so concerned with protecting you from the world, but I’ve been the real monster all along.” I fall to my knees, pressing my face into her thighs. “But you have to tell me to do it. I can’t do it without hearing it from your lips. Do it, Lillith. Rip my fucking heart out. Send me to my grave, leave me to rot. If it’s what you want, I’ll free you. I’ll let you go home.”

I’m so out of my mind that I don’t realize she’s joined me on the tile. My eyes search hers, wondering how such a magnificent creature can exist on this rotten earth; so strong, sweet, and selfless.

She’s a fucking anomaly. She’s… magnificent.

“Please, Lillith,” I beg. “It has to be you. I’m not fucking strong enough.”

She shakes her head, and for a moment, it looks like she wants to laugh. Then she takes my face in her palm—the scarred, ugly half—and the sensation of her skin on mine is something no drug can replicate.

“I am home,” she whispers, brushing her thumb over the tortured flesh. “You’re my home, Kain. I never really knew what that meant until I met you, but I do now.”

She leans forward, pressing her forehead to mind. “It’s banana pancakes in the morning. The smell of your aftershave. Sweet nothings whispered when we’re both half asleep. You’re everything and nothing that I ever needed, and I’m not going anywhere. Not without a fight, that is.” She throws her head back, and a heavenly sound bounces off the walls. My veins fill with electricity, and I pray for time to stand still. What I wouldn’t give to be stuck in a place where that noise plays on repeat.

“Now turn around,” she orders playfully. “Let me at that shoulder.”

I shake my head. “I’m taking care of that hand first.” Before she has time to object, I turn and grab the kit from the countertop, inspecting the contents and breathing a sigh of relief when I realize everything I need is inside.