Page 7 of The Devil's Vice

As he should. You could snap his neck without a thought, could reach out and wrap your hands around—

“How did they find me?” I ask, cutting off the vicious line of thought as I rip out my IV. Whatever they have me on is making the thoughts worse, and I’ll gladly deal with the pain as long as I can have my control back.

“Not sure,” he grunts. “They took off as soon as they caught sight of us. No doubt to run back and tell Callum exactly where you are.”

“The cops?” I ask. If the hospital called them, all three of us are fucked.

Fucked, fucked, fucked.

“Do you think we’d be standing here having this conversation if they were here?” Wes fires back. “That’s why we need to move. Someone’s bound to figure out who you are sooner or later,” Wes mutters, reaching into the bag and pulling out a vial filled with a light purple powder. A spark lights my hollow chest as I palm the gift, twisting the thin plastic tube between my fingertips. I yank the cap off with my teeth and pour out a thin line on the back of my hand before snorting the crystalline powder in one swift breath.

Instantly, a warm buzz flows through my veins, dulling the pain in my chest while clearing my fog in a way only a powerful stimulant like Rebound can. My lungs fill with a deep breath, the pain from the bullet hole receding. But more importantly, a blanket of silence falls over my mind, sealing the locks on all the doors.

“Much better.” I sigh, shaking my arms loosely at my sides.

Wes nods, trying not to look as concerned as he really is. He hates the stuff, but it’s a necessary part of my life. It’s how I’m able to do what I need to, how I’m forced to operate.

“You ready to move?” Wes asks.

I nod, the room coming into hyperfocus as my pupils dilate. Wes motions for Landon to grab the door, and we slowly approach the exit.

While I should be thinking about how I’ll explain this to Onyx, I can’t. Rebound should have helped and ceased every line of thought connected to her. The desire to take her. Have her.

Want. Want, want, want.

Something carnal roars to life in my chest, filling me with an insatiable desire as an image of those mossy emeralds flashes in my mind. Something about their raw innocence haunts me, and the madness curls its slender fingers into every recess of my mind, unlocking doors left and right.

Need. Need, need, need.

And there’s a phrase, too loud and insistent for me to ignore any longer. Too many voices, all screaming and whispering at once… and they all say the same thing.

Take her. Take her. Take her.



I’m going insane.

At least, that’s the only logical explanation I have after this morning. No matter what I try, I can’t stop thinking about the man covered in scars. That eye. It’s the same shade as the man in my nightmares, but they can’t possibly be the same person, not unless he got some serious anti-aging surgery. Still, I can’t push the image of the cold silver eye from my mind.

“Lillith! Did you check on the man in room 947?” Sandra’s raspy voice startles me out of my thoughts, and I turn to give her a meek smile.

“I just extubated. He seems to be doing a lot better,” I reply, still in shock at how fast the man has recovered. I’ve seen young men broken after a simple fall off the porch, yet he’s awake and alert as can be after a shot to the chest and intensive surgery. “Like, a lot better.”

“Oh good. Keep me posted, okay?” The smile Sandra gives me doesn’t quite reach her eyes, but I don’t spend much time thinking about it. Sandra is one of the most hardworking trauma nurses I know in this hospital, and she must be exhausted from the grueling operation. I’d be a hypocrite to blame her for giving me a fake smile.

She’s a few paces down the hall before I remember a question I have. “Sandra!” I call, running after her. She whirls around, her messy brows pulled together. “What’s wrong, Lillith?”

“I wanted to ask you… What am I supposed to say to the police? You know, when they get here?” I ask, twisting the chain tightly around my thumb. “I’ve never dealt with a… suspect as a patient before.”

Something like irritation flashes in her eyes, but a moment later, it’s gone. I must have imagined it. That, or it had something to do with the light playing off her thick spectacles.

“You didn’t call them, did you?” Her deadly soft tone causes a chill to run down my spine for some reason.

“Uh, no…” I mutter, confused by the question. “Was I supposed to?”

“Oh, dear, no!” Sandra’s demeanor changes so fast I get whiplash. She chuckles loudly and slaps me on the shoulder like we’re best buds again. “There’s a chain of command to these things, you see. I’ll deal with the police. You don’t need to get caught up in that bureaucratic nonsense during your first month of working!” The smile parting her lips pulls strangely at her thin, leathered skin, reminding me of the gargoyles leering from the top of Notre Dame.