Page 71 of The Devil's Vice

“Lillith? It’s okay, little flower. You were having a dream.” Kain’s silky voice pours over my skin, clearing the confusion that comes with waking from a deep sleep. “You were shaking. I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” My voice is thick from the effort to hold back my tears. It all makes so much sense now. The familiarity that first night I saw him in the hospital. The way my body melts in his arms, somehow knowing they’re the same arms that protected me all those years ago. “Why didn’t you tell me you were the one who saved me that night?”

Kain’s hand slips from my cheek and lies ominously across my throat.

“You remembered,” he whispers, his fingers tightening around my windpipe. “I was starting to wonder if you ever would.”

“Why did you do it? Why did you save me that night?” I sob.

Kain presses his lips to my temple, a low growl rumbling deep in his chest. He stays silent for so long, I begin to think he’ll never answer my question. When he does speak, it’s with a tone I don’t recognize. One that reminds me of that silver-eyed boy in the alley.

“I couldn’t let him take you from this world. When I saw you jump in front of your father…Those eyes…” He sucks in a breath. “You were so brave, even all those years ago. How could I not take a bullet for you?” he murmurs, twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers. “Do you hate me?”

“Hate you? No, I don’t. I can’t,” I whisper, the tears falling freely from my eyes. I don’t know why it took me so long to remember it. Maybe it was too traumatic, and I blacked the memory out. Or maybe, just maybe… I was trying to protect that boy with the silver eye. “How could I ever hate you?”

“My father…”

“You’re not your father, Kain.” I reach up, trailing my fingertips over the thick scar on his cheek, “I don’t blame you. You were only a child yourself. You did what you could, and I’m alive today because of it.”

He sighs, pressing his forehead to mine. “I don’t deserve you, Lillith. No fucking man on this earth does.” His voice lowers to a whisper. “But I’m selfish. And that’s exactly why I can never let you go, no matter how much better you deserve.”

“Good.” I brush my lips against his. “You’ve ruined me for any other man, Kain. You and that sinful cock of yours.”

For the first time since I’ve known him, Kain laughs. It catches us both by surprise, but I can’t deny the way that joyous sound fills my veins with warmth. The more time I spend with him, the less I miss my old life of monotony. Only his touch can make me feel alive, and I have no intention to deprive myself of that anytime soon.

Kain’s fingertips trail over the curve of my hip, causing a shooting pain to radiate from the freshly branded skin. I suck in a sharp breath, squeezing my eyes tight as he continues rubbing the area. It hurts like nothing I’ve felt before, but I push further into it rather than shying away from the sensation. The brand is a reminder of how thoroughly I’ve given myself to him, and I’ve never been happier about my decision. I’m his, and he’s mine. If I had to do it all over again, I’d do it all the same. Just like the sick little fuck Kain always knew I was.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Butterflies spring to life in my belly at the smirk that greets me. He’s so handsome when he smiles. I really wish he’d do it more often.

“It doesn’t come easy for me, little flower. But for you, I can try.”

My face heats as his grin widens. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

“I’m glad you did. I want to know all your thoughts, Lillith. What makes you tick. What makes you feel alive. All the dirty, depraved fantasies you have hidden in that pretty little mind of yours.” He presses his lips to my temple. “I’ve only just scratched the surface of my precious flower.”

Butterflies spring to life in my belly as his hand trails down my abdomen. My breath hitches, and I close my eyes as I wait for the pleasure only he can give me. It never comes.

A whimper tears from my throat as he pulls away, leaving my skin cold and needy. His lip quirks as he stares at me, and for the thousandth time, I wonder what on earth he’s thinking.

“I’m going to make some breakfast. Feel free to use the shower if you’d like,” he murmurs, his jaw tensing as his eyes flick to my thighs. “Although… you do look especially beautiful covered in my cum.”

My face heats as I throw my legs over the bed. “I think I will take that shower, now that you mention it.” Kain swats my ass as I pass him on my way to the bathroom, and I let out a little yelp from the force.

“That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, his gaze following me the whole way. “I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

I wrap my hair in the plush white towel Kain laid out for me and step out of the bathroom, breathing in the heavenly scent wafting in from the kitchen. I stop by the little tub in the corner of the room and reach inside, giving Gerald some morning head scratches. His little nose twitches, and he reaches up with those itsy paws, clinging to my finger.

“You’re so fucking cute,” I whisper, giving him one last scratch before straightening and heading into the kitchen. Kain stands in front of the trove, his head bent low in concentration as he flips one of the golden cakes. I step behind him, quiet as a mouse in the fuzzy socks Kain gave me.

“Pancakes again?” I whisper, reaching up on my tiptoes to press a kiss against his shoulder. He turns his head, giving me a tiny smile as he flips one of the perfect circles.

“I haven’t seen you eat anything but. I wasn’t taking any chances by trying something new.”

I grin, wrapping my arms around his abdomen. “You know, you’re pretty cute when you’re not being all murderous.”

He barks a laugh. “I’m assuming that’s supposed to be a compliment?”

“A big one.” I give him one last peck and pull away, stepping over to the steaming pile of pancakes. I shoot a glance at him out of the corner of my eye, making sure he’s not looking as I snatch one off the pile and shove it into my mouth.