Page 54 of The Devil's Vice

I wake with a jolt as footsteps clomp toward the bedroom door. I’m not sure what time it is, but I don’t remember having a nightmare, so it has to be sometime before five. The door flings open, and I slam my eyes shut. His steps are far less controlled than usual, and he lets out a curse as he slams into the edge of the bed. Is he drunk?

“Such a pretty little flower,” he mumbles, the sharp tang of liquor and sulfur engulfing my senses as he clambers onto the mattress. A massive arm shoots out, wrapping itself around my torso, and my muscles freeze as he pulls me into him. My eyes shoot open as he nuzzles into the crook of my neck. Something long and hard presses into the small of my back, and I don’t have to look to know he has a raging hard-on.

He lets out a little moan as his teeth rake across the sensitive flesh, and I have to bite my lip to stop the whimper that wants to break free.

“Why won’t you let me have you?” His voice is tortured, and I know I wasn’t meant to hear that last utterance. My chest constricts with the need to turn around and hold him. Instead, I wait patiently until his soft snores fill the room, knowing this may be my only chance of escape.

I try to lift his arm, but it weighs a fucking ton. Stupid beefcake. I let out a disgruntled huff, trying my best to wriggle from the log of a forearm. It takes far longer than I’d like, but I manage to get free without waking the sleeping giant.

Padding to the door, I wrap my fist around the handle and turn. I can’t hear much over the pulse thrumming in my ears, but the groan that sounds from the bed rings as loud as a gunshot. I whip my head around, certain that menacing silver eye will be glinting through the shadows.

But it’s not. The drunken heap of a man lies exactly where he was a moment ago, though his snores are slightly more sporadic. A sigh brushes my lips as I pull open the door and hasten from the room. I don’t look back.

My vision tunnels as I stand in the middle of the living room, my eyes darting wildly along the four walls in search of the exit. There has to be some way out, something that doesn’t require Kain’s skin key thingy. My heart sinks to my feet as reality kicks in. I’m trapped. I’m going to fucking die here.

I’m about to crumble to my knees when a glint of steel catches my eye. In the far-left corner of the room, the wood breaks to reveal a silver hatch cut into the floorboards. My heart soars at the sight, and before I know it, my fingers are wrapping around the slim metal handle of the hatch. The hinges creak from the sheer weight of the door, but I’m too frantic to care about waking Kain anymore. This is it. This is my chance to escape.

An ominous air swirls from the hatch, and my throat bobs as I take in the darkened stairwell. The first few concrete steps are visible, but the rest slink into the shadows, giving it the appearance of a portal to hell.

I suck in a breath, then take the first step down. As there’s no rail, I keep my hand on the wall to my right and carefully descend. The echo of my steps increases the deeper I go, and I begin to question the probablility of an escape route this deep underground.

I can’t go back, not now. I’ve come this far already, and I won’t rule it out until I absolutely have to. I take another step, and the texture beneath my foot changes, letting me know I’ve reached the bottom. Compared to the harshness of the concrete steps, the plush carpet nestled between my toes feels nothing short of luxurious. It gives me pause but does nothing to deter me from my mission.

I have to rely on my sense of touch as I stumble along the walls of the room, my fingers desperately clawing at the walls for anything resembling an exit. I make it to the second wall before my shin bumps into something hard, causing me to lose my balance and crash sideways to the ground. Several items clatter to the floor as I attempt to regain my balance, reaching out for anything that might stabilize me.

A tiny chuckle echoes off the walls, and I freeze.

“I thought I told you not to leave the room, Lillith?” The lights flick on, and he’s there, crouching under the archway of the stairs. The devil himself.

“You tried to leave,” he deadpans, a starved look in the eye he trails over my naked torso. “I hate when you do that.”

“And I hate being kidnapped. But here we are,” I snap, trying to keep my voice strong despite everything in me that wants to crumble beneath his gaze. He terrifies me when he gets like this. It’s not the same man who holds me, the one who drives me wild and makes me feel things I’ve never imagined possible. This is an animal. A violent, angry beast capable of god-knows-what.

Kain trails his tongue over his lower lip, his pupil blowing as he takes in my expression. Suddenly, he drops down to his hands and knees and crawls toward me, a sick little grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. My body is frozen as he nears, helpless to do anything but watch as he dips his head between my knees. Keeping his eye locked on my face, he sucks a deep breath in through his nose, and goose bumps race across his skin.

“I can smell your dripping cunt from here, little flower. You’re enjoying this just as much as I am,” he husks, biting his lip so hard he draws blood. My core pulses at the sight, and I’m suddenly desperate for his mouth on me.

“I—” I stop, not trusting my voice right now. The sick part about it is he’s right. I’m not even sure my emotion earlier was fear. He’s turned my world upside down, and I’m not even sure I’m real anymore. If any of this is.

“I want to play with you,” he whispers, reaching up to cup my cheek. “A wager for the freedom you think you want so badly.”

“Wager?” I ask, not sure I want to know the answer. The sick sheen in his eye tells me I’m correct. Without a word, he stands and walks to the opposite end of the room. Now that he’s farther away, my vision comes back into focus, and I have the chance to look at my surroundings.

“Oh God…” I whisper, shutting my eyes against the sight. Though I’m not familiar with them personally, I’ve seen enough TV to recognize a sex room. If the whips and chains lining the walls hadn’t given it away, the giant metal cross in the corner would.

“You don’t like it?”

My eyes pop at the sound of his voice directly in front of me. He cocks his head, a knowing glint in his eye as he gestures to the metal X. “I had that specially installed for you.”

For me? I gulp, imagining myself spread out and helpless for him on the cross. Before I have the chance to speak, he produces a thick blindfold, dangling it between his thumb and forefinger in front of my nose.

“Put this on,” he orders, his tone leaving zero room for argument. My fingers tremble as I tie the silky material behind my head, willingly cutting off one of my vital senses.

“Good girl,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to my temple. “Very good girl.” His palm strikes my ass, and I let out a little squeak. “You like being good for me, don’t you, Lillith?”

“I don’t—”

“Shh.” He guides my jaw up to his mouth. “I already know the answer.”