Page 23 of The Devil's Vice

I force my legs over the bed and toward the window, pulling the curtains back just in time to see a pair of glowing red taillights as Sam’s car speeds off down the street.

Good riddance.

I sigh, stepping back from the window. I check my locks twice, then hop into bed, my mind reeling from tonight’s events. I doubt I’ll get much sleep tonight, and even then, I have no doubt it’ll be plagued with nightmares.

That silver gaze is calling.



My knuckles are white on the steering wheel of Sam’s car, unable to drown out the images of his hands on her. I should have killed him. I would have, but I couldn’t risk Lillith looking out her window and seeing me.

I slam my fist into the door at my left, barely registering the sharp, splitting pain as I berate myself for how impulsive I’d been. I hate the lack of control I have when it comes to her. Breaking his kneecaps in the middle of the street was risky. Too risky, even in her shithole of a neighborhood.

I just couldn’t help it. When I saw that fucking oaf’s hands on her, I…

I slam my fist onto the steering wheel, gritting my teeth against the roar that wants to tear from my chest. There’s a sour taste in my mouth I’m dying to get rid of, a dark cloud swirling in my mind, reminding me that the beast in me has to be fed.

I need to hurt something.

I contemplate taking out more of my aggression on the pond scum thrashing around in the back seat but quickly think better of it. A cruel smirk tugs the corner of my mouth as I take the next right toward Moriton Memorial. He’s going to make a great present for my flower.

If only she knew what I have planned for her, the things I’m going to do to break her and ruin every last shred of innocence living in those big green eyes. My cock presses painfully against the confines of my denim jeans, and I let out a groan, not quite sure how much longer I can wait.

I pull the joint from my lips as a team of hospital staff swirls around the bloody mess lying in a heap on the hospital steps. He’ll live, though he’s going to wish he hadn’t when he wakes up with his new face.

Flinging the slim paper cone out the window, I peel out of the darkened parking lot. Now that the nardless little shit is taken care of, I need to dump his car. As long as I pick the right alleyway, the thing will be stripped by morning. Sometimes it’s a good thing this city is as depraved as it is. Especially for people like me.

I pull onto a side street about a mile from Lillith’s apartment. Leaving the keys in the ignition, I step onto the cracked pavement and pull my hood over my head. I stalk away from the vehicle and into the shadows, pulling my phone out and thumbing the VidCam app.

My little flower is cocooned in bed, her body thrashing violently against the nightmare tormenting her sleep. I frown. I don’t like how frequently she has them. If I could, I’d reach into her pretty little head and strangle the demons that live there. I drag my thumb softly across the screen, wishing I was the sheet wrapped around her perfect little body.

Soon, flower. Soon.



My legs burn, my lungs scream for air that won't come, but I have to keep running. He'll catch me if I don't. Catch me, and kill me—just like he did to Mommy and Daddy.

"Come here, little bitch," the cloying voice that rings out mere feet behind me causes every muscle in my body to shiver in terror, and I pump my arms harder. "Don't be scared. I just want to repay you for what you did to my fucking eye."

I have to keep running. If he catches me—

"There you are." A gloved hand wraps around my arm and yanks me so hard my feet come off the ground. A scream pierces the air as my body is dragged backward, and it takes me a few seconds to realize the sound is coming from me. The gravel digs into my knees as I'm dragged, and it's not until that familiar warm red starts cascading down my legs that I break from my terrified trance.

"NO!" I scream, writhing and fighting against his cold grip. It does more harm than good, and when I pitch too hard to the side, my shoulder pops out of its socket. "Mommy!" I cry, breaking down as the searing pain shocks my system. "Mommy, it hurts!"

"Jesus, we've been over this. Mommy's DEAD, you dumb cunt."

I can't hear him, can't hear anything over the screaming of my shoulder. "Daddy! Mommy! Please," I cry, my entire body shuddering with the strength of my sobs. If I close my eyes, maybe I'll wake up. Maybe I'll open my eyes, and this will all be a dre—

Taptaptap! Taptaptap!

"I know, I know," I groan, rolling out of bed and cringing at the twinge in my neck. I have to fight to keep my eyes open as I stumble over to the window, barely having enough strength to pry it open.

"Must you always be so rude?"