Page 17 of The Devil's Vice

Shaking my head, I yank open my car door and bolt the doors as soon as my ass hits the seat. I don’t know what caused it, but I’m sure as hell not going to stick around here any longer tonight. Speeding off in the direction of my apartment, I shoot a nervous glance at the iron gates fading in the distance. I really hope this paranoia is just a byproduct of being in the cemetery late at night, but something in my gut tells me it’s far more malicious.

That it’s him.

I slam my door closed behind me, a massive yawn tearing from my mouth as I stumble into the kitchen. The adrenaline from the cemetery kept me awake for most of the way home, but as soon as I parked, a wave of exhaustion poured over me. I don’t even know if I have the strength to take my shoes off before falling into bed. I barely have enough energy to get a glass of water.

As I’m filling the glass under the faucet, a flash of red catches the corner of my eye. My heart lodges in my throat as I turn toward the giant clear tub of… lollipops? Abandoning the glass in the sink, I step over to the tub and grab the note off the lid, my ears deaf to the sound of the faucet running in the background.

My thumb brushes over the messy scrawl, a hint of a smile tipping my lips. Is it fucked up that he broke in to leave these? Sure. But it’s also sweet… in a disturbed kind of way. He even got me my favorite flavor sucker—and a shit ton of them, to boot.

I guess as far as stalkers go, he’s not the worst one to have.

God, I’m fucked up. I cringe, shoving the note deep into the pocket of my sweatpants. I’m about to head into the bedroom, but after a moment’s thought, I reach my hand into the tub and pull out a lolly.

I place the candy on my tongue, savoring the saccharine flood of cherry on my tastebuds. Holy shit. These are the same kind they get at work.

My pulse races as the hairs on my neck rise, alerting me to the same presence plaguing me for the past few days. Unless this is a coincidence, I have to assume he’s able to watch me, even while I’m at work. And I don’t believe in coincidences.

I pull the sucker from my mouth, twirling the cherry red pop by its stick. At the cemetery, I cried to my parents about how lonely I felt, but I never stopped to consider the alternative.

That I’m not alone. Not anymore.



I stand in the shadows like usual, puffing on a joint and scanning the street for threats. Even though I can watch her sleeping frame on the video camera, I’m comforted knowing I can get to her at a moment’s notice if something were to endanger her. If someone wanted to, they’d have no trouble breaking into her apartment.

I should fucking know. I’ve been doing it seamlessly for the past few days.

Hushed whispers draw my attention to the sidewalk across the street. While I put my joint out under my shoe, I watch two men in hoodies stop in front of Lillith’s apartment building, their heads bent to conceal their features under the streetlamp.

The taller one on the right raises a finger toward the second floor, turning toward the other and whispering something I can’t make out. As far as I can tell, it’s not Lillith’s window, but I can’t be too cautious. It’s clear these two idiots are up to something shady, and I’m not taking any chances when it comes to my flower.

They step up to the main entrance, and the tall one crouches, working a slim silver pick into the lock. While they’re distracted, I cross the street, my steps as quiet as a cat as I step into the shadows of the courtyard.

“I thought you said you’ve done this before!” the short one hisses, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his hoodie as he looks left to right. “Hurry up, someone might see.”

“If you shut the fuck up and let me concentrate, I might be able to!”

I roll my eye as the two grown men bicker.

This is just sad.

“Got it! See, I told you I could do it!” The tall one straightens, shooting his partner a haughty grin.

“Awesome. Want a fucking medal?”

“Let’s just get this over with.” He sounds dejected as he follows the short one inside. I follow close, my heart hammering slightly harder as they take the stairwell to Lillith’s floor. I stand just around the corner as they stomp down the hallway, their footsteps as loud as an elephant on the ancient wood planks.

A sigh passes my lips as they continue beyond Lillith’s door, but I don’t move away just yet. The short one stops about three doors down and grips the handle. His face widens into a shit-eating grin as the handle turns, and he shoots his friend a haughty wink.

“Looks like I won’t need you. I think this means I get to take more of the share.”

“Like hell you do!” the tall one whines, pushing his buddy out of the way and storming inside. “We’re splitting the profits. That’s what we agreed on!”

“Whatever, man,” he groans, following the tall one inside.

It’s quiet for a few seconds, and then one of them curses.