Page 103 of The Devil's Vice

I shake my head, a smile tipping my lips as Lillith snuggles into my side. “I’m glad you’re still calling me Kain.”

“I figured there’s a reason you don’t go by Reinhold. Plus—and please don’t take this the wrong way—it’s kind of a shitty name.”

I bark a laugh. It causes a pang to ring from my wounds, but it’s worth it. “I guess I’m not supposed to take offense to that?” In answer, she shoves her face into my side, her body shaking with a giggle. “You’re a mean, wicked woman Lillith.”

“Hey! Am not! I totally could have left you for dead. That should be proof enough.”

It’s morbid and probably shouldn’t make me laugh so hard, but… I can’t help it. “I think I’ve rubbed off on you a little too much, flower.”

“No such thing,” she murmurs, pressing her lips against the slit of shin showing through the blanket. My body shudders, coming awake. And a considerable tent forms beneath the sheet.

Lillith feels the shift in energy and instinctively looks down.

“Jesus… is there enough blood left in you to do that?”

“So it seems.” She jerks her eyes to me, the picture of surprise. “Wanna see if it works?”

She slaps my arm ever so lightly, but a coy smile tugs her lips. “Maybe. But we’re not even thinking about it until you’re better. I mean it,” she adds, no doubt in reference to the devilish glint in my eye.

“Wicked woman,” I murmur, smoothing her hair back from her forehead. “Will you allow me at least one pleasure?”

“And that is?”

I hook my finger under her chin, drawing her face toward mine.

Beautiful. So beautiful. I wonder if I’ll ever catch her in a moment when I don’t find her completely, utterly enchanting. If this blackbird in my heart will ever stop singing at the sight.

In answer to her question, my gaze falls to her mouth, silently asking what my words will not. She reaches up, so light, so soft. And then, she presses her lips to mine, putting me out of my misery.

I kiss her gently, pouring everything into her that I can’t say. Hoping, needing her to understand.

I love you.

“And I, you, Kain,” she whispers, smiling against my mouth.

My muscles tense, but one stroke of her hand has me relaxing. “I didn’t know I said that out loud.”

She pulls back, giving me a full view of that heart-stopping grin. “I think I’ve heard that somewhere before. Sounds very… me.”

“Hmm.” My grip tightens on her waist, and I drag her back up to my mouth. “I wasn’t done with you.”

She kisses me back, and the air stills. Everything is quiet, still. Wonderful.

“I love you, my flower. God, do I love you.”

She nips my lip and brushes her nose against mine.

“I love you, Kain.” She kisses the tip of my nose once, twice. “And I know I always will.”

There’s never been lovelier words from a lovelier woman. It quiets all the chatter in my head and fills my veins with a wondrous sense of calm. She’s everything and more. Too good for me, for this world. Yet she chose me.

Chose me. Me, me, me.

“As will I, my flower,” I finally reply, letting every ounce of honesty pour through. “As will I.”